Apologies for the delay, the raffle is now closed. Thank you to everyone that entered!

Since there was a delay in announcing winners, i've decided to pick THREE instead of just one!!

☆ First winner: gabriellecandrawIMG_20240103_234418.jpg?ex=65a8670d&is=6

☆ Second winner: HawleIMG_20240103_234700.jpg?ex=65a8670d&is=6

☆Third winner: blind_luck


Please send me a dm with the character you want drawn if you haven't already mentioned them in your comment!! ☆

Sorry for the extra comment-- Just to let you know, my username was blind_luck and is now Leofrun! :D

75-78 is all yours good luck!! ☆

faved this and akko!!

73-74 is all yours good luck!! ☆

faved this to enter :]
my fav character rn is fang from my time at sandrock lol
alsoooo you know how the moon always has one side facing the earth? this is called tidal locking, and is the inevitable fate of all satellites orbiting a larger body. this includes the earth, as it orbits the sun :]

70-72 is all yours good luck!! ☆

faved this + lepus and made a bulletin https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1600381.f2e-art-raffle-nm! also linked my chara in IC ^^

i also saw a splatoon character in the icon, so im just gonna say that big man from splatoon 3 is my fav character, hes just a goofy guy. and a random fact abt space is that apparently, the moon is lemon shaped :0

64-69 is all yours good luck!! ☆

Faved this post

63 is all yours good luck!! ☆

faved this, faved a character, https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1598508.raffle, my favorite character from ATLA has to be Katara i love her sm, and a fact about space is that a full nasa spacesuit costs $12,000,000

57-62 is all yours good luck!! ☆

Faved this + Faved a character!

Fav character from Media is Kaveh from genshin impact, I don't even play genshin impact but I am infatuated with the lore etc and Kaveh just truck my heart, he's such an altruistic, kind guy with such a lovable personality and he's such a talented architect! He's my biggest comfort character and his design is so stunning!
+ The most massive stars are the shortest lived!

53-56 is all yours good luck!! ☆

Faved this, and Dr Varga who sounds awesome

No Evil is a very very cool animated series on Youtube, and Calamity is the best character by a mile (which is saying a lot, because all of the characters are bloody amazing). She's got one hell of a sarcastic wit, a tuning fork that can control water, a very distinctive voice, and some of the best character design out there, ft. Cool Hat. Seriously, she's amazing. So is Corn. And Huey. And Kitty. Please watch this show (does this count as "speaking No Evil"?). 

My favorite star is called HD 224741, because it's the second star to the right, and I think that's funny. It has the second-lowest "right ascension" of any star visible to the naked eye in the Northern hemisphere, according to the astrophysics professor I asked about it. So if you ever wanted more specific directions to Neverland, there you go! 

49-52 is all yours good luck!! ☆


fun fact, comets are leftovers from the creation of our solar system!!!!

46-48 is all yours good luck!! ☆

I need to play faith so bad thanks for the reminder


Faved this and faved Lepus

My fav character right now is N from Murder Drones, I love him so much, his personality is super sweet and gentle, he is super friendly and also makes me want to give him 50 hugs per second.

And the fact about space, when you look up at the sky, what you see is really what was happening in the past. As light takes a while to reach us, the image we see is the one projected by the cosmos long ago. When you look at the Moon you see it as it was 1,2 seconds ago (it hasn't changed much). When you look at the Sun, you see it as it was 8 minutes ago and the nearest star as it was 4,2 years ago. Some of the stars you see today have been dead for hundreds of years.

42-45 is all yours good luck!! ☆

Faved this post!!! :] my fav character is from the rhythm game project sekai, her name is Honami :D she’s so cute i love her,, 

And a fact about space!!!! Venus is the brightest object you can see in the night sky, and typically the first thing you see :D

39-41 is all yours good luck!! ☆

I favorited thos post and Varga!

My favorite media character might be Franken Stein from Soul Eater? I wouldn't really be able to rank my tastes that easily. I relate to him a lot though, and by jove is he fun to watch.

A senbazuru is a origami creation where one creates a thousand paper cranes over the course of a year! Folks do this because they believe it will grant them a wish, and it's a Japanese tradition specifically. They get tied together into a kind of mop/rope construction and are usually hung up once made! They're pretty nifty to me.


35-38 is all yours good luck!! ☆

Another Soul Eater fan!! I also love Stein

Good, good! Excellent taste :3

How lovely! Favoriting to enter!

Also here are 2 fun facts: 

1) My favorite character is Hidan from Naruto (I believe I own the biggest Hidan collection in the world currently; my collection is hundreds of individual pieces of official and fan-made collectibles ranging from figurines, to cards, to coins, to enamel pins and more). 

2) Did you know that there is a thirteenth Zodiac constellation? That constellation is Ophiuchus. You see, the Zodiacs actually incorporate the sun. Ophiuchus falls under the sun and therefore it’s a Zodiac. It is a man holding a great serpent or a great serpent itself. Birth dates: November 20th — December 17th. Symbol: ⛎. (The character I want drawn most in the IC is an Ophiuchus!)

32-34 is all yours good luck!! ☆

hello! your art is lovely!!

i favorited all your characters

made a bulletin

ok so... i'm sorry for rambling. but i need to speak about this... rn i'm really obsessing over sergei kazarin from parties are for losers, an ongoing song series. before talking about him, i'll rant a small bit about the series!
my hyperfix for this series comes and goes, but comes back without fault whenever ferry (the creator) posts a new song. i LOVE the story of the series, and i love how the characters are built. i'll give spoilers but it's pretty easy to read up on the series from the google doc that ferry posts in each video's description. the series works on a basis that, in one song, it gives you a situation (for example, from the first song, there is a mutant monster human thing called katya that is being chased by government workers but is being harbored by a bunch of partying teens. at the end of the song, she's taken away). this scene is then subverted by another song giving a new perspective on the situation. so, a couple songs later, we find out that she escaped a facility that keeps mutants like her, with the help of another mutant called dmitri. she wanted to see how humans live and has a very romanticized view on everyday human life. we're led to believe that dmitri was oppressed by the facility and escaped partially because he wanted to help katya as well. however, he was much more fearful of humans, and they parted ways. a few songs after that, we find out that his escape was not caused by katya. he had this mutation that was really useful to the facility workers for testing on other mutants, though it was powerful enough to be a problem. he was given the best treatment possible for a mutant so he was content and didn't want to escape. however, he found out that they were planning to euthanize him because they didn't have the funds to keep him anymore. the last experiment he was planned to do on a mutant was on katya. he only decided to escape because he feared for himself, and katya was just there, so she escaped with him. all of these layers make you rethink the first song, every time. i adore this format.
some extra stuff to know about the world: there is this area called the zone. it's very dangerous and unpredictable, so there's a profession called stalking where you enter the zone for whatever reason and get paid very well for it. sometimes it's to find rare items, or to bring people there as a twisted form of tourism (though there's no guarantee the tourist will get out). however, if one spends too much time in the zone, their children will be mutants. the severity of the possible mutation increases alongside the time spent in the zone. the facility that tests on mutants is at the very edge of the zone.
now, FINALLY about sergei. he's a retired stalker, having retired to make sure his sister isn't left alone if he dies (as well as an accident that happened once, which i'll talk about soon). he still has a few stalker friends (his girlfriend, olya, is also a stalker) and basically acts as a guide and a route planner from the safety of his home. he's the older brother of one of the partying teens from the first song. his sister has a mutation, but it's only albinism, not enough to get her hunted by the government. however, he's still very wary of dangers to his sister, and is extremely overprotective. his sister, sanya, is friends with a guy named yura. yura originally was there to tutor her in math (?) but sergei saw some potential in yura to become a stalker, so yura did training and tutoring concurrently, while getting closer to sanya. eventually, despite sergei trying his best to stop her, sanya followed yura into parties, getting into yura's friend group as well. sergei still tried to keep tabs on her, fearing for what might happen to her. sergei was actually the one that reported katya to keep other mutants away from sanya for safety, though he didn't expect a full-on raid.
his old stalking group was comprised of olya, nikita, nikita's brother, and himself. the accident that made him reconsider his profession was one that killed nikita's brother and lost olya her right eye. during the accident, he had to decide to save either nikita's brother or olya, and he saved olya. nikita still goes out on missions with olya nowadays but is extremely resentful of her for it. a bit more about olya: she's also the head of the facility's logistical department, literally working with the enemy, which causes more distrust from nikita.
yura eventually goes out on his first mission with olya and nikita. yura had gotten really attached to katya and wants to scout out some way he can rescue her from the facility. however, this first mission goes horribly. they're caught by a patrol that shouldn't have been there. the first guard who rounds the corner and sees them shoots nikita, then recognizes olya and pauses. however, yura shot the guard before they could exchange a word. the rest of the patrol rounds the corner and arrests the two remaining stalkers.
yura is prepared to take responsibility for this, and to probably be killed by doing so. however, olya says she was the one who shot, knowing she'd get a slightly lighter sentence. sergei is FURIOUS. he blames yura for jeopardizing the mission and getting olya captured. yura says that he didn't mean it to go like that, but he says this with snark, and sergei gets even more mad. he eventually makes the decision to cut yura out of his and sanya's lives. this is done through my favorite song in the series, strike 3. it's my favorite because of the raw anger in there, lol
of course, teens will be teens and yura meets up with sanya anyway. he had scouted out dmitri and put the pieces together that he probably had something to do with katya, and wants sanya's help to push dmitri into a corner so he can help yura with getting katya out again. sanya agrees to help. their plan goes as they wanted. in the latest song, 100 epitaphs, yura climbs back into sanya's room after "convincing" dmitri and tries to cheer her up, so they joke around a bit. sergei hears the noise, though, and finds yura. he tried his best to do this nicely, but yura won't learn. sergei brings him outside and gets ready to punch him, but sanya stops him. he finally realizes that he's lost control over sanya already. she's out in the world, and he can't put her back in the box. whatever he says or does won't stop her. so, he sighs and says "do what you want".
i've glossed over the story A LOT because i was focusing on what's important for sergei. for example, yura has a sister called anya, who found dmitri and is now friends with (or dating?) him. she frequently ran away from home, usually going to olya's apartment, and dmitri made his home there, so dmitri, anya, and olya also have a connection. there are so many layers to all these characters.
i hope you didn't regret putting this as an option to get an extra entry--

here's a small space fact!! venus is often called earth's twin due to the basically identical size of the two planets.

i also subbed. i know this doesn't add extra entries but i wanna see what else you do!!

EDIT: sorry, i didn't include this originally, but i'd love any of these guys drawn!!! i'd like to prioritize those with less art but any of them would be lovely ^^ if i get pulled, just choose the design you most like!

Ferry enjoyer spotted!! You have excellent taste in characters.

thank you very much, it's always nice to find other ferry fans in the open web >:]c

26-31 is all yours good luck!! ☆

Definitely didn't regret it that was actually really interesting to read im kind of intrigued!! I'm probably gonna look into it actually

the only caveat i'd mention is that it's vocaloid, if you're not into that! otherwise, YES, i love inroducing people to the story and fandom! (the songs also have beautiful music videos, if that's something you like). thank you for the opportunity in the raffle btw!!

Faved this and one of yr characters ! Ty for the chance 

25-26 is all yours good luck!! ☆

Faved this and Lepus!

As for characters in media, I’d say my favourite overall right now would have to either be Elysia from Honkai 3rd or Leona from TWST (rip my pfp),, as for space I think a pretty cool fact is that, despite what we see in the sky, the moon is actually shaped like a lemon. I’m not lying, either, it’s super weird yet interesting! <3

21-24 is all yours good luck!! ☆

I actually didn't know that fact about the moon thats interesting!!

DId required, faved one of your oc and subscribed ! I don't really know which character is my favorite but I really like Luz from the Owl House I feel like we'd be great friends :)

18-20 is all yours good luck!! ☆

i also love TOH it was great!

Faved this, thank you for the opportunity. ^^

17 is all yours good luck!! ☆

I faved the post! I also faved two characters of yours that I found awesome! I subbed too I believe.. my current character obsession is blues clues- yes strange choice..but I love her! Maybe I’m just a toddler all along :0 also this isn’t just a space fact but it’s a very crazy one to think about: Consider that we've sent 12 people to the moon since 1969 over a handful of missions; but only three people have descended to the deepest part of our ocean in the Mariana’s Trench! We don’t know a ton about space but we do know more than we do about 95% of our own ocean! I find that really fascinating. 

12-16 is all yours good luck!! ☆

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9-11 is all yours good luck!! ☆

Entering!! I faved Lepus! I think one of my favorite characters from media is James from team rocket!! I just love him sm!! <3 

6-8 is all yours good luck!! ☆

Entering! I'd love if I could potentially get art of Hiraeth. My favorite media character is really hard to choose because of all the media I know and love, but I really do like Link from LoZ! He's such a fun guy <3

another zelda fan :O !! 4-5 is all yours good luck!! ☆

i faved dr. shiloh varga (and this post) because his design is cool asf !! and fact i know about stars is that astronomers believe there is a trillion stars in the milky way :33

1-3 is all yours good luck!! ☆