"Fake Asuka"/Asuka Fun♮



9 months, 14 days ago


"Fun♮" is pronounced "Funk" (which you can stylishly spell as "Funq", if you wish!)

You can call him Fakey, Faker, or anything like that; he's pretty chill. He likes it when people call him Asuka (or derivatives of such) or Funk better, though.

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Race: Human (clone)
Gender: Asuka
Height: ...Somewhere around 167cm (5'5"), usually.
Weight: Comedic fluctuation, stabilizes around 55 kg (121 lbs).
Blood type: Yes...?
Origin: Space
Birthday: Unknown
Eye color: Black
Hobbies: Creating ill-fated Rube Goldberg machines, being Asuka
Likes: Under or overcooked noodles (eating them), succulents (eating them), Asuka/Himself
Dislikes: Unnecessary violence

This is Asuka. He didn't come out quite right. He has a usually pleasant attitude, and while he bears some of Asuka's feelings/responses/etc. on certain subjects, he doesn't quite have the memories to compare them to. People tend to like him.

Noticably, his appearance is off; his robe is a bathrobe, his cross decoration is a simple rosary, his eyepatch is a smiling flower (the other eye having a bit of a hard time staying in), his knot for his centrepiece is a delicate bow, and his clothes are folded in a way that would symbolize a corpse. Even besides that, he has a strange sort of cartoony physicality...surely it's nothing to worry about!