
6 months, 15 days ago


By owning a design/art by me you are automatically agreeing to my TOS and are expected to follow it for as long as you own that design/art.

Breaking my Terms of Service can lead to being banned from owning my art/designs as well as interacting with me (temporarily and permanently) and if you persist you will be blocked.

I understand that my TOS is very long but please take some time to read all of it, this is simply to protect myself, my art and my characters. And, my T.O.S is also intended to protect those who own stuff I’ve made from art/design theft and stuff like that.

TLDR (pls read the full T.O.S tho)

> Life subscribed me to Anxiety Premium without my consent so I take a long time to reply, I’m friendly if you are though so please don’t let this deter you from talking to me ^^

> I’m very slow at drawing and can’t remember anything to save my life so please be patient when waiting on art/designs.

> I use tone tags and write long comments, but I’ll try not to if you let me know don’t like them.

> Only use art/designs I have made for you/you have paid for.

> Just don’t take my stuff or purposely stress me out and we’re cool.

> If I make art or design a character for you I can and will use it to promote myself both on-site and off-site. It may be your character but it is my art/design and I have a say in how it is used.

> general DNI, if you’re a young kid, or support weird/bad stuff don’t talk to me. 

I am an adult, I speak and act like an adult and work with themes that are not suitable for younger people. I am a part of the LGBTQ+ and Furry communities and those are reflected in my work, so if you don’t like those then don’t view my stuff.

> If you’re on my blacklist or greylist you can’t own anything I’ve made and you can’t talk to me, greylisted users can get removed if they stop doing whatever they did before to make me uncomfortable.


> I am not at all a social person and often take a long time hyping myself up to reply to people, please be patient if you’ve commented and I haven’t replied yet.

> I use tone tags a lot and tend to write long comments/be very specific so I don’t come off as blunt/so my comments can’t be taken the wrong way. I also do this as I myself often struggle to understand the intention of certain comments, If you’re uncomfortable with this please let me know and I’ll try my best to remember not to do these with you.

> I have a very bad memory, and due to medical reasons it can be worse some days than others, if I’m late with payments or replies or anything of the sort feel free to spam me with reminders lol

> My OCs are like my children and I love them all sm, please do not offer on any of my characters who are not explicitly UFO/UFT/UFS. I won't get mad if you do, but I will never sell anyone who isn't said to be for sale/offers.

> Please do not sell/re-sell/repost/trade/gift/use any of my characters and/or designs without my written consent. If you want to trade/sell/gift a design I made then please ask me first and let me know who the new owner is, I like to keep track of my characters/designs.

> You may put my characters and/or designs in dreamie folders if you wish, but they will most likely never be given away because I’m very attached to them. If someone who owns a character I created has asked you not to put them into a dreamies folder, please respect their wishes.

> NFTs and AI ‘art’ are NOT welcome here and I will never allow my work to be used for those things. If I find you have use my work for that kind of stuff I will have it taken down and you will be blacklisted immediately!

> Please don't kin my characters, or use them without my written consent, I use my characters to vent as well as portray parts of myself so it makes me uncomfortable.

> If you want to use my characters for RPs or similar, let me know and depending on the character I might say you can (Sonas and some other characters are completely off limits). But, you must acknowledge the fact that anything you do in RP is NOT canon to my characters and will not affect them or their backstories whatsoever. (this is mainly just for if a characters gets a serious injury, dies/is killed, or has different family/relationships in a RP - If I really like something from your RP I might add it to their canon stories, but I will always ask you before I do). 

If you want to make like an AU with art and/or animation like some people do with their RP characters let me know and I'll add a tab to the character which you can send images to. Just remember that they are MY characters and NOT your characters - You may NOT upload them to your own TH, they must stay on mine, and you CANNOT claim them as your own. I don't mind what you do in RP with them but I must be made aware of everything that you or others have made with them. And for the love of god keep them in-character! Make evil AUs and stuff like that idc but don't completely erase their whole personalities to do so. You could say that limits what you can do with them, but I would say that gives you even more creative freedom, I mean how do you think an outwardly friendly character would act if they were evil? Would they use their charismatic personality to hide it? There's endless choices lol

> I will never purposely try to anger, upset, or inconvenience anyone. If I do, I most likely don’t realise it or have no control over it. Please, let me know if anything I do or say upsets you or makes you uncomfortable and I will do everything in my power to make our interactions more comfortable for you.


> I am a very slow artist, so don’t be surprised if I take a long time to finish things. I will do my best not to take forever but I rarely have much motivation so in an attempt to help with the constant burnout I prefer to take things slow and not rush my work.

> You own the character but I own my art; I have the right to repost any art I have created anywhere I like, as well as use it to promote myself. If you request that I don’t post art I have made of your character(s) anywhere else/use it for my own promotion then I will most likely respect that but at the end of the day it is my art and I have the final say in where it goes and how it is used.

> Do not use/repost my art if it was not made for you.

> If I have made art for you it’s yours to use however you like. Just don’t claim you made it, use it for NFTs or AI art, or anything like that. You can repost it (with credit!), use it for pfps, banners, references, etc.

> I do not believe in art style theft, if someone has a similar style to mine please do not harass them over it. That being said, please do not straight up copy my whole art style. Referencing/taking aspects of my style is cool, that’s how artists improve, or at least that’s how I found my style. You may trace my art and/or use it as reference for practice, but please do not post it anywhere or claim you drew a piece you traced from me. Basically, you can be inspired by my style but don’t copy or trace publicly and we’re good, my style changes constantly based on how I feel and what program/media I’m using anyways so this shouldn’t be much of a problem.

> If I did not make art for you, you do not have my permission to use it in any way.


> I have the right to refuse to sell/give away/trade my designs, as well as revoke them at any time. However, this will only be done within good reason (e.g. you purposely broke my or someone else’s T.O.S. MULTIPLE times, you are greylisted/blacklisted and have gotten the design by evading blocks, etc.) - If you are grey/blacklisted I won't take the design back from you, I will only do so if you continue to do bad stuff or did not get it in a valid way (like using an alt I don't know about or getting someone else to give it to you despite KNOWING you cannot purchase any more of my work, or stealing a design/using it without paying for it first).

> I will ONLY revoke a design if you are using it to spread hate/anything that can hurt someone else - If you do something with them that makes me uncomfortable that's fine, that's your choice and the beliefs + actions of characters ≠ the beliefs of their owner. But, if you use one of my designs to purposely encourage beliefs such as pedo/zoophilia, any kind of fetish stuff that can hurt other people (general stuff is fine just leave me out of it), any ablesist stuff, and just anything that is generally harmful to others, then I can and will take my design back, I do NOT condone spreading that kind of stuff AT ALL and do NOT want to be associated with you in any way!!!

This goes both ways, if you believe I have misused a character I own that you have designed, let me know and I will stop doing so, and if you feel more comfortable doing so you may take the character back, regardless of how attatched I am to the character they were created by you and your wishes come before mine.

> My designs may not be owned by anyone on my Grey/Blacklists or anyone associated with them.

> Never hide or delete characters I've made. I like to keep track of my designs/characters so please never set them to private, auth only is fine if you authorise me. Either way I just want to know what's being done/made with my characters so, as long as I can see them you're all good.

> Please don’t buy a design I’ve made unless you know you’ll actually use them, I get very attached to designs I make and spend a lot of time and effort to create them so, seeing them go unused is very hurtful.

> You can redesign/change aspects of my designs but they must be recognisable and you must still credit me as the original creator.

> My designs have a 1-month cooldown period. This means that they cannot be resold/gifted/traded away until you’ve owned them for at least 1 month.

> My prices are final unless you have a good reason for not being able to pay in full.

> I allow holds, paying in parts (for example, half paid up front then the rest later), and may lower the price if you’re only £1 or so short, but as I said before these will only be done if you have good reasons.

> My designs cannot be used until they have been paid for, if you’re paying in parts/have a design being held/have OTA payments to complete you cannot use them until you’ve paid the full amount we’ve agreed on.

> When offering on/buying from a batch of designs, please be clear which you are asking for, they will almost always be numbered and/or named.

> Don't try to pass off any of my designs as your own! You must credit me whenever they're used! And to their new owners: please don't remove my watermark if you reupload them anywhere, I always make it light so it's not distracting.

> Please don't resell or give away any of my designs without my permission first, I may want them back.

> If I say you can resell them, they may only be sold for what you got them for, unless they have extra art. Any art you got for free does not increase the price of my designs, this includes gift art and any free art they came with.

> Once you've paid the character is yours, do whatever you want with them, hell you can even use them for NSFW and stuff like that. All I ask is that you don't use my characters to support/spread hate or do anything really weird with them.


> When it comes to OTAs/UFO/Generally anything that isn’t setprice and is up for offers:

  • If you're offering art please have some examples I can easily see, I won't accept an art offer from someone with an empty account.
  • you have 2 months to complete your payments.  I can offer 1-week extensions if needed. I will only offer THREE extensions, after that I will reopen the character.
  • I don't like telling people no so please don't be mad if I ignore your comment, if I do it's a polite no. However, I prefer to wait a few days for multiple people to offer so just because I don't reply immediately doesn't mean it's an instant no, I might just be waiting to see what other people offer as well.
  • If you’re offering art: no tracing, art theft, etc. including gacha, picrew, AI, bases, etc. All art you use for your payments MUST be yours!
  • If you’re offering designs (custom or pre-made) then I don’t mind you using bases, but the other stuff listed is still a big no.
  • Please don't offer if you know you won't be able to finish your payments, though if you do have to cancel at any time then I completely understand, if you're mostly done with what you offered then I may still let you have the designs, please don't use this as an excuse to only finish half of what you offered though.
  • Do not use any of my designs unless I've accepted your offer, and not until your payments are completed.
  • Don't over or under-offer! I won't accept offers so big they obviously can't be done, or ones that are just like 1 headshot for a complex character.
  • If offering on a batch/group of designs, you can offer for more than one. But, please don't offer for almost all the designs, give others a chance to offer too.


> Anyone younger than 13, you shouldn’t even be on here, I’m an adult and make adult stuff, some themes shown through my work may not be suitable for younger users.

> Pedos, Zoos, Pro-shippers, anything else weird like that, you’re not welcome anywhere near my profile please leave.

> Homophobic, Transphobic, LGBTQ+phobic in general. I and a lot of my characters are in the LGBTQ+ community and I don’t appreciate your hate comments, they won’t change anything so why even try. If you’re just curious or are willing to be nice then feel free to talk to me/ask questions but if you’re just here to spread hate then don’t bother, just leave me and my silly gay cats alone.

> Anti-furs, Anti-therian, I am in the Furry community and am currently trying to learn more about Therians so I can make my profile a safe and welcoming place for both <3

> Anyone on my greylist/blacklist. You have been put there for a reason and I refuse to interact with you. You may not purchase any design or art I have created after you have been put on one of these lists (not counting anything you have already, as said above you can keep that), whether it was originally intended for you or not (like a custom I've finished but you haven't paid for, stuff like that), it will be revoked and you will not gain access to it again.

If you have FULLY PAID for something and have been added to my grey/blacklist BEFORE receiving it, I will still send it to you as you paid beforehand. If I owe you something and you have NOT paid yet, I will not.

If I have sent you this T.O.S. from another website which may have users under 13, then the only users who can by-pass my 13+ rule are Scratch users who are 11 or older. This does NOT extend to any social of mine outside of Scratch. On Scratch and only on Scratch will I occasionally answer questions, and you may still interact with my projects and enter events such as MAPs, DTAs, and OTAs. Other than that you may not interact with me, and if you attempt to contact me outside of Scratch you will be ignored. The only reason you will be given this T.O.S. is because you have been given access to art and/or designs I have made and by owning something I have created you are obligated to adhere to my design and art rules.

My Greylist and Blacklist will both be shown publicly on my profile, if you don’t want to be on them then just don’t break my rules or purposely cause issues, it’s really not that hard.


> People here may be taken off if they prove that they have changed, but if they persist they will be moved to my blacklist.

> I have made this public purely to warn others, please do not go and attack or harass any of these people (on my behalf or otherwise). They have wronged me, yes, but no one deserves that.

> If you are here you may not: interact with me or my characters, own/use any design I have created AFTER you got on here, use any art I have made (this extends to bases I have created).

> I am not a confrontational person so I will only put people on this list if I have a good reason to, if you believe you were wrongly added to this list then you may contact me or a friend of mine to discuss why you think you should be removed. However, as I said, I will only put your name here if I feel really uncomfortable interacting with you so you most likely won't get your name taken off this list easily.

  • No one yet, let’s keep it that way.


> My Blacklist is permanent, users on this list will not be removed.

> If you are here you may not: interact with me, own/use any of my designs made AFTER you got on here, use any art I have made (extends to my bases), if you use alt accounts, your friends, or try to contact my friends to try and evade my Blacklist you will be blocked.

> There is no point in trying to contact myself or others to get removed from this list, you’re here for a reason and doing so will just get you blocked.

> If you have been found helping someone you know is on either of these lists to: contact me or friends of mine, get/own a design I have created, or get art from me - you will also be grey/blacklisted WITHOUT WARNING. This is more likely to get you on the greylist, if you are on that list and did not know the person you were helping was on here then you may discuss the issue with me and I will remove your name if I think doing so is fair. However, if you continue to do this then you will be blacklisted and potentially blocked.

  • No one yet, and I hope it will stay like this.