


6 months, 17 days ago



Name Kamice

Gender Gendervoid

Age Adult

Pronouns Any (He Primary)

D.o.B. January

Sexuality Homosexual

Race Starborn

Romanticism Homoromantic

Height 5'8''

Alignment Lawful Evil

Residence His Dungeon

Designer acornSK

HTML Pinky
Owner acornSK


devious • stuck-up • short tempered

Kamice is a devious individual who enjoys watching people struggle to achieve something they desire, hence why he made his dungeon in the first place. While he could grant wishes to anyone he wants to, instead he forces them to go through this challenging dungeon to earn a wish. He has a low amount of empathy or care for anyone other than himself.

He's rather stuck up, believing he's better than most others due to his wish-granting abilities and him being a starborn.

He has a short temper and can be easily annoyed. Additionally, when he really gets set off, his anger is dramatic and he's known to hold grudges.

Despite their devious nature, they do follow certain guidelines, and won't deny someone their wish if they beat their dungeon. However, they're known for being tricky to work with, though they technically keep their word... most of the time.

She's a very focused person when she gets to working on something that interests her. She has a hard time pulling herself away from her work.




People's Struggles
He enjoys watching the struggles of others, seeing it as some form of entertainment for himself. He doesn't really think about what it would be like to be in their position.

Kamice believes they are a powerful individual and that others want them for their powers. They view themself very highly, and most others very lowly.

She prefers being alone as opposed to being around other people much.


Other People
Kamice tends to be easily annoyed by those around him, and much prefers to spend the majority of his time alone due to this. He also views himself as higher than other people, which doesn't help his views on them.


Height 5'8''

Build Slim

Eyes Red with Yellow Rings

Skin Tone Light Blue

Hair Color Whitish Blonde

Hair Style Past Shoulders

Aesthetic Winter Cloaks, Sweaters






Wish Granting
Kamice is able to grant wishes for anyone around him, though only one wish per week per person. Despite his ability to grant wishes for others, he chooses to make people go through his elaborate and dangerous dungeon in order to "earn" a wish. Additionally, his wishes have limitations, and can't be too large scale, making it so people may have to attempt his dungeon multiple times if they have larger wishes they want granted.

Cold & Heat Immunity
Despite dressing the part for the weather, Kamice is actually immune to the cold (and heat) by the nature of his species, and doesn't need to wear anything specific to keep warm in even the coldest of environments.

Engineering & Building
Kamice is both a very good engineer and builder, and knows how to create and upgrade a variety of things around him. It's largely thanks to this that he was able to create his dungeon, as he was able to make all the buildings, environmnets, traps, etc, all by himself. He technically could use magic to do this, but prefers to feel the satisfaction of creating his dungeon "naturally", though he does occasionally allow himself to "cheat" using his magic.














Kamice doesn't really have a separate home for himself other than his dungeon, though he typically stays in a secret portion of his dungeon which he considers his living quarters. This area is past the end of the dungeon, and others typically don't even notice the entrance to it. Here he stores all his belongings and spends his time when he's resting.

Additionally, he has a surveying system where he can watch those who're attempting his dungeon from the comforts of his "home". This system is connected to little robotic bugs which scurry around the dungeon, following anyone inside so that he can watch them. These bugs are able to scale the walls, leap, etc, and are very fast, allowing them to keep up and out of range of any individuals in the dungeon. They mostly function on their own, but Kamice can take control of them if he pleases, and there's a function to allow him to speak through them on the occasions he decides to- mostly used to taunt dungeon-goers.

Daily Life

Kamice spends the majority of his days either watching people attempt his dungeon (usually failing), or when no one is there, tinkering and adjusting the dungeon. He makes changes to his dungeon frequently because he doesn't want anyone to get too used to it and find it too easy to get through via practice.




  • He's not a very good fighter or very imposing physically, and is actually pretty easy to beat in a physical fight, so long as he doesn't have a wish on his side.




Ethel and Kamice have a complicated relationship. As it is, the two are on rocky terms, though just how rocky tends to vary week by week. Kamice likes to trick and taunt Ethel and make their adventures into his dungeon even more difficult. Meanwhile, Ethel tends to tease Kamice a bit more light heartedly, due to his good nature, though occasionally he does get angry at Kamice and seek his revenge on the mischievous starborn. Ethel finds Kamice's trickery and dishonesty to be rather annoying and disingenuous. He also doesn't understand why Kamice has the power to do so much good in the world, but chooses to instead use it as a way to taunt people and put them in dangerous situations.

The two's relationship seems to get worse and worse over time, as Ethel's patience and benefit of the doubt begins to wear thin.