


6 months, 14 days ago


🐱 Leonard 👢



GenderMale ♂️
Occupation"Knight"/bounty hunter
LikesNaps, being lazy, catching mice and rabbits, hunting people down.
DislikesBetrayal, ungrateful people, tigers.

"Okay, let's see who's on my bounty list today." 


Once upon a time, there was a cat who helped his poor human friend gain power and wealth through the cat’s trickery and deceit. His human friend was very grateful for the cat's hard work.

One day, the cat asked his human friend a question. "Dear friend, what would you do if I ever die?" The cat asked. 

His human friend answered, "I will be very devastated, I don't think I would ever live without you. I will have to build you a coffin made with the finest rubies."

The next few days, the cat wanted to test his human friend's loyalty. So, the cat made a plan by pretending to be dead in his room. The servants discovers the cat's "dead body" and informs the human friend. The human friend arrived at the cat's room to see his friend's "body". However, his human friend did not feel sad nor devastated. He tells his servants to take the cat and dump him in a nearby river.

When the cat himself heard all of this, the cat got up and called out his human friend. "I saved your life from poverty and this is how you treat me??? Am I just nothing to you?? I thought you were my friend!" 

The cat never felt this betrayed in his entire life. The cat decides to burn down the manor that he had built for his human "friend" before leaving and never returning.

The cat now spends his new life as a bounty hunter while disguising as a knight.



Vestibulum vulputate vel magna feugiat viverra. Maecenas suscipit luctus lectus molestie sagittis. Cras id aliquet elit, sit amet vehicula leo. Integer mollis, ante ut convallis sodales, nisl augue tincidunt felis, non faucibus felis nibh id sem. 

Relationships (WIP)

Robin "Kyler" Locksley

Kyler is one of Leonard's bounties. Leonard would usually leave him alone, but Leonard promises he will end him if Kyler ever does something bad to him.

Sterling Griffin

Maecenas consequat volutpat sapien. Nulla scelerisque consequat eleifend. Nam at lectus mattis, semper ante et, mollis libero. Maecenas fringilla rutrum molestie. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. 

Vincent Irving

Maecenas consequat volutpat sapien. Nulla scelerisque consequat eleifend. Nam at lectus mattis, semper ante et, mollis libero. Maecenas fringilla rutrum molestie. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. 


Maecenas consequat volutpat sapien. Nulla scelerisque consequat eleifend. Nam at lectus mattis, semper ante et, mollis libero. Maecenas fringilla rutrum molestie. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. 


He is based on Puss in Boots.

I originally didn't want to make an OC based on the fairytale, but a friend (who is a fan of the tale) was curious to see my take on this tale.

His backstory is loosely based on Giambattista Basile's "Gagliuso", which is one of the earlier versions of Puss in Boots.

He likes to take naps and he's lazy sometimes.

Arcu odio ut sem nulla pharetra diam sit amet nisl. Neque gravida in fermentum et sollicitudin ac orci phasellus egestas.

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