TBN- Space creature



6 months, 10 hours ago



A creature that is incomplete. It only is complete once it posseses someone. It does this by luring someone in with its appearance, then holding their hand. Once it is able to touch their hand, it can posses that person. 

This happened with Hero, they saw the creature and saw it as something safe. Due to the fact that both Villan and Mayor were chasing them. They grabbed the creatures hand and became possessed. 

After the creature stopped possesing Hero, it oddly enough became a sort of mother figure to Hero. Hero came to it, begging to be possessed again so that they didn't have to deal with plot stuff. It refused, but did agree to protect them. So when Hero is overwhelmed with plot stuff, they go to the creature for refuge. 

The creature stays in a abandoned town, that is overgrown and falling apart. It is in a forest and has been there for who knows how long. And yet... Hero and the creature notice that both Villan and Mayor avoid the old town as much as they can.