


5 months, 15 days ago


Dulce is a half dryad raised by kindly botanists following a very interesting trade between a witch, his adoptive parents, and his birth mother. To make a very long story short, his adoptive parents wanted a child but were infertile, the witch needed a rare herb that only the botanists knew how to cultivate locally, and the biological mother wanted her baby in a good home but not with her seeing as how this all happened out of wedlock in her conservative little village butted up against a magic forest. This resulted in the rare herbs being traded about, baby Dulce being given to the people who raised him, and the witch and the biological mother both being set for the foreseeable future thanks to said difficult to cultivate herb. 

Dulce's been raised to be an incredibly kind and considerate person, and his affinity with nature has been further strengthened by his general love and respect for botany and horticulture. He happily helps his parents with their work, and also aims to have his own successful plant nursery one day so that he can continue to share his love for plants with people.