Biblio Phobos



6 months, 1 day ago


No one knows her real name. The creature only introduces herself as  Biblio Phobos and calls herself the custodian of the ‘Library of  Horror’. A fancy name she gives to the collection of books she tends.  Most are fiction, some are true, and all are horrific in some way.  Biblio ensures they are all shelved and kept in good condition, the best she can with how dusty the library is.

Finding the library, well, that takes some work, sometimes. You can walk into it, through a door that most people overlook. The wooden floors creak, dust hangs thick in the air, and the place is silent. Maybe you call out into the gloom, receiving a sharp ‘Shhhh’ as the only response from deep within the maze of shelves.

Eventually, on her terms, Biblio will return to the reception desk. She ignores you unless spoken to directly, busy with her work, or at least pretending to be. She answers any of your questions in a dry whisper.  You cannot hear anyone else in the building; there is no movement, page turning, or coughing. Growing impatient at your presence, she tells you to request a title or browse the shelves.

She will ask for your library card if you bring a book to her desk. When you mention you do not have one, Biblio is aghast and will promptly enter your details into a massive, leather-bound ledger on the desk.

You leave with a book. You enjoy it, though it leaves you with bad dreams, and you must sleep with the light on for a while. One day, you find it under the bed and try remembering where the library is. Good luck. Not many get the chance to become regulars.


Biblio is strict and wholly focused on tending to the library. It is unknown if she is the founder or tasked with its care. She does not care for visitors; they only disturb the peace and make a mess of the shelves. However, if asked the right questions about a title or for her thoughts on a sub-genre of horror, Biblio becomes a fountain of knowledge and is eager to share her favourite novels.



Biblio used to put effort into hiding her undead nature. Eventually, she either grew exhausted trying or realised it was not working. Her body died a long time ago, but her spirit would not leave it, even as she watched it start to decay. This attracted the usual clean-up crew for expired meat, but Biblio’s spirit chased most away. However, one centipede would not be intimidated, and in the stalemate, the two formed a symbiosis. Influenced by Biblio’s spirit, it grew and intertwined with her remains. Today, her body is home to a colony of magically enhanced centipedes that have taken over the essential functions of her body. Her heart beats again, but not with a pulse of blood.

Over time, Biblio has found that she can give simple orders to the smallest of her centipedes that can leave her body in short stints.  Groups of them working together can assist Biblio with running the library.

Biblio Phobos is a hare. She can also be drawn in an anthro form. Her pelt is a dark brown, almost black. Strange protrusions grow from the back of her neck. They’re mandible-like, hard and shiny, with a dark red coating. These are parts of the mother centipede that have fused with  Biblio’s body.