


9 months, 12 days ago


Ayame Tohyama is Emi's roommate and first friend. The daughter of a high ranking assassin lineage. Stoic and cold but kind a good friend. She is generally stoic and softspoken, seeing herself as simply a tool to further her family's legacy. Emi's kind heart strikes Ayame and the 2 bond, eventually entering a romantic relationship as Ayame slowly begins to become more alive through her bond with Emi and their friends.

Potential: Gambler's Parade, ability to utilize various dice, cards and slots to gain a power based on her roll, as well as the strength of it and mastery she has. Every number on her dice relates to a different ability she can utilize, notably Ayame can rig her ability but if her opponent figures it out she loses her ability for 5 minutes and must reroll at a disadvantage after. Ayame also flip a coin to attempt a reroll if she doesn't like what she gets, but if she lands a tails the power of her current ability will drop and she cannot flip again until Gambler's Parade is fully deactivated for at least 5 minutes.


15 years old