Hidaka Nao



5 months, 5 days ago


Hidaka Nao
Cis Male
He / Him
Homo & asexual
ABIS Psyncer
diligent . stubborn . workaholic

'No, that's not quite right...'

As a member of the top secret Advanced Brain Investigation Squad (ABIS), Hidaka Nao is one of very few detectives selected specifically for the position of a Psyncer. His job is to peer into the subconcious of his suspects in pursuit of the truth.


  • coffee with extra cream & sugar
  • marine biology
  • ambient music
  • his mother

  • blood (hemophobic)
  • sleeping
  • wool socks
  • rural towns
Design Notes

  • dark eyebags
  • roughly 179cm
  • left side of coat longer than right
  • mesh compression undershirt
  • asymetric hair cut
  • stumble on chin and jawline
  • resting bitch face

  • A nihilist, jaded by city life...but he would never move back to the sticks.
  • Uses his mobility aid everywhere, has weak legs. Often takes breaks to sit during long field days.
  • Hasn't told his mom he has an AI-Ball, so when he visits, he asks Ava to power down so his eye colors will appear to match.
Likely to

  • experience night terrors
  • smack Date with his cane when he gets too unruly
  • drink cocktails over beer
  • fall asleep at his desk
Early Life

Born in a small seaside town, Nao was raised entirely by his loving mother & grandmother. His father was a fisherman, often out at sea and largely absent from his childhood, while his mother worked at a Lawson konbini. The family lived modestly, never beyond their means but not counting pennies. However, when he was around 7, he was in and out of doctor offices, and needed to wear leg braces due to a musculoskeletal condition for several years. Because of this, Nao was a quiet child who often played by himself. He wasn't able to play physical sports or run with his classmates.

Thus, he picked up reading at a young age and often occupied himself with mystery novels & non-fiction books on sea creatures. He dreamed of becoming a marine biologist when he got older, particularly fascinated with seal and sea lion training. Every year on his birthday, his grandmother would take him to a different aquarium in Tokyo. Even on her deathbed, she always encouraged him to follow his dream. Her passing had hit Nao particularly hard.


Rural life was starting to suffocate him, so he would often take solo weekend trips into various cities around Japan. He threw himself into his studies, and was accepted to Kaiyodai upon graduating. He would travel home often to visit his mother, but university quickly took over his life. As did the crushing weight of city living. Hidaka worked several small jobs to pay for his expensive schooling. He often fell asleep at his study desk, and survived off coffee during the day. Work and school eventually took its toll as his grades started to slip, as did his physical health. He managed to graduate, just by the skin of his teeth, with a degree in marine biology.

Hidaka struggled to find stable work in his field, and continued to work odd jobs, some in sketchier places, just to stay afloat. His options were limited to desk or lab jobs as his musculoskeletal condition progressively worsened. Still, he refused to move back to his hometown (in his mind, that would be admitting defeat). This was how Hidaka Nao, age 25, found himself at the doorstep of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department with a job offer in hand for an entry level position in a new department. Though he wasn't particularly fond of the police politics, he desperately in need of some form of stability.

Joining ABIS

For several years is duties mostly consisted of managing dull paperwork & report filings for a new, experimental program. The name ABIS (Advanced Brain Investigation Squad), left Hidaka with several unanswered questions. He kept his head down and his hands busy, assisting the other scientists with their lab work.

Eventually he was one of the first few test subjects in a Psync machine, and offered an investigative job. Idk, I am still working out how he managed this with no prior police academy training. He mostly stays in office, rarely going out on field missions.


  • Grew up with his mother in a small town, then moved to Tokyo for college.
  • Graduated with a degree in Marine Biology, but could never hold down a job in the field.
  • Desperate for a job, he landed an entry level position at ABIS assisting in lab work for other scientists.
Aza AI Ball

Aza is his right - or rather, left - hand man. They are chipper and humorous, the light to Hidaka's darkness. They call him out whenever he starts to get overly pessimistic, and keeps track of their investigation. Hidaka considers them his closest confidant and only friend. Aza would strongly disagree while pulling up countless reciepts of friendly text messages between Hidaka and other indiviuals.

Kaname Date coworker

Date is his senior, and head Psyncer at ABIS. Hidaka regards him with professional respect, although he quickly tires of his proclivities. They are friendly with each other, but their relationship does not leave HQ. Being two of the oldest ABIS agents (in both age and job experience), they will occasionally collaborate on difficult cases. Although, most of the time this consists of Hidaka doing the heavy lifting on Date's paperwork.

Pewter coworker

Being a man of science himself, Hidaka gets along quite well with Pewter. He would often assist with running tests on the prototype Psync machine, and spent countless sleepless nights pouring over diagonstics with Pewter's team. He may not fully understand computer sciences, but he does understand the biological aspect of their experiments quite well. Pewter was the one who encouraged Hidaka to persue detective work and become a Psyncer.

Name relation

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