Emma & Winston



5 years, 10 months ago


Emma Johnson

AGE 27
RACE White
GENDER Cis Female
ORIENT. Lesbian


Extroverted Introverted

Intuitive Observant

Thinking Feeling

Judging Prospecting


"Just take a deep breath for me."

  • Approachable: Has a very gentle and friendly aura.
  • Calm: Excellent under pressure and keeps a clear head.
  • Smart: Exceptionally intelligant but usually doesn't show it.
  • Optimist: Always tries to see the best in things.
  • Firm: Surprisingly stern with her patients or anyone else whose health is in question.
  • Upbeat: Pushes her energy into being positive and trying to improve people's spirits.
  • Sensitive: Can be a bit delicate regarding criticism.
  • Obedient: More content to be a follower than a leader.
  • Generous: Likes to give more than recieve.
  • Soft-spoken: Not a very commanding presence.
  • Insecure: A bit self-conscious at times.
  • Empathetic: Overly compassionate, to the point that it deeply effects her on a personal level.
  • Non-Confrontational: Unless it concerns a patient, she's more likely to quietly go along with a situation rather than fight it.


  • Birthday: September 18.
  • Studied Medicine but never actually finished school.
  • Has a very strong stomach and is not affected by gore.
  • Will read a whole book in one sitting.
  • Designated "mom friend" of the group.


  • The beach
  • Baking
  • Organizing things
  • Taking care of others
  • Being with her girlfriend


  • People who don't take care of their health
  • Lots of yelling or fighting
  • War

Design Notes


  • Height: 5'5
  • Weight: 230lbs
  • Skin colour: A light peach
  • Eye colour: Blue
  • Hair colour: Mousy brown
  • Guardian Mark: S-shaped brand on right ankle


  • Hair is straight and goes past her shoulders; she ties it up in a simple bun or ponytail when she's working
  • Fat and curvy
  • Large chest
  • A bit plain-faced


  • A large black panther goes down the length of her right arm

Jewelry & Piercings

  • Usually just wears simple ear studs

Typical Outfit

  • Usually seen in the plain white nurse outfits provided by the rebels
  • Colourful blouses or dresses
  • Prefers leggings or skirts to jeans
  • Always wears simple slip-on shoes


Early Life

Emma never knew her father and was raised as an only child by her mother. While they were poor, they were happy and fairly comfortable.

The knowledge and purpose of Guardians was not a strong point for Emma's mother, but she passed on enough to Emma that she chose to view Winston as he equal fairly early on in her childhood. Her mother, in contrast, viewed her Guardian more as something to be hidden, given the oblivious nature of the town they lived in, but never discouraged Emma's close connection with her own Guardian.

Teenage years

When Emma was around ten years old, her mother became terminally ill, and Emma was able to help make ends meet by working at the bakery of her childhood friend, Jenna. By the time her mother passed away when she was fourteen, she was pretty much already adopted into the Estrada family, and they did not hesitate to take Emma in.

While it was a difficult time for her, Emma was helped by the overwhelming love from her new family and the developing romance between her and Jenna. They officially started dating at fifteen, and while they've had ups and downs, she is aware how much Jenna loves and respects her.

Young Adulthood

Once graduating high school, Emma pursued an education in Medicine. Her goal had always been to become a doctor; however, due to lack of money and her desire to help support the Estrada household, she was only able to take sporadic classes. Much of what she knows is self-taught from the many hours she's spent studying old textbooks late into the night.

When the Rage Rebels threatened to burn down their home unless they joined their ranks, Emma refused to let Jenna go alone. While she was rather upset that they couldn't even inform their family about the reason they'd ran away, the alternative was much worse. Given the lack of structure in the Rage, she was able to lie about her experience and was granted a nursing station among the rebels.

She has not seen her family since they left, although both her and Jenna keep in contact through letters and send them any extra cash they have, and she often finds herself homesick. She does not regret leaving, though. A part of her is actually quite satsified with the work and experience she has gained over the years working with the Rage, even if she doesn't support the war they have been dragged into.


Winston Guardian

Emma's Guardian and best friend.


AGE 27
ROLE Guardian


Extroverted Introverted

Intuitive Observant

Thinking Feeling

Judging Prospecting


"Everything will work out, don't worry!"

  • Cheerful: Very bright and pleasant attitude.
  • Energetic: Always raring to go.
  • Humorous: Loves to make others laugh.
  • Thick-skinned: Rarely lets insults get to him.
  • Goofy: Doesn't take many things seriously.
  • Obediant: More content to be a follower than a leader.
  • Empathetic: Not as deeply compassionate as Emma, but still very caring.
  • Simple: Has an innocent demeanor that causes people to dismiss his intelligance.
  • Weak-willed: Easily coerced.
  • Gullible: A bit too trusting.
  • Annoying: Can be a bit of a pest sometimes.


  • Very good at search-and-rescue and often joins Emma out in the field to sniff out wounded soldiers.
  • Often gets in trouble for accidently spilling Jenna's paints.
  • Loves working with children and hopes to have their own family in the future.
  • Very good at giving hugs and kisses.


  • Tracking
  • Cuddling
  • Puns
  • Helping others


  • Violence
  • Being alone
  • The thought of being tattooed

Design Notes


  • Height: Around 40cm
  • Weight: 20ish lbs
  • Fur colour: Light brown with black over his eyes and ears
  • Eye colour: Dark brown


  • Chubby
  • Rose-eared
  • Tongues sticks out a lot

Jewelry & Piercings

Token: Pink collar


Early life

While their childhood was not necessarily bad, it was also fairly stressful, and Winston grew into a role that provided happiness and comfort to his loved ones. He would often work to make Emma's mother laugh, since she was always tired from supporting them as a single parent, and he took great delight in her gentle encouragement towards his and Emma's bond despite her own lack of bonding with her own Guardian.

Teenage years

Winston was the first to meet Jenna and Cojo, when he accidently knocked into them during their first day working at the Estrada bakery, causing them to spill pastries all over the floor. While Cojo was annoyed, Winston immediately had a crush, and Emma followed not soon after.

When their mother finally passed away from her terminal illness, Winston didn't talk for a full week. It was only the support from the Estrada family taking them in and his determination to take care of Emma that finally forced him to face the grief head-on and slowly recover back to his bubbly self.


Winston loved the idea of helping others and actively assisted Emma in her studies of medicine. When Jenna and Cojo prepared to join the rebels to protect their family, he followed alongside Emma, and was the one to suggest they work in the nurses station so they could avoid direct combat. Since then, he has become proficient in tracking and search-and-rescue work. He is also a fairly popular figure around the camp due to his joking and cheerful nature.

He is often homesick, but is satsified to stay with Emma, Jenna, and Cojo. While the war scares him, he is determined to aid anyone in need of assistance and live to see peace for him and his loved ones.


Emma Master

Winston's Master and best friend.