
6 months, 13 days ago











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Introduction · · ·

A young woman with an intimidating aura and a hallmark sense of style. Once a talented musician born in South America, she's currently residing in Japan to follow her dreams of holding innovative fashion productions. While studying at the International Private University, she's working behind the scenes of her friend's original brand SWANK.



  • Fashion
  • Music
  • Dogs
  • Colorful clothes

  • Seafood
  • Dishonesty
  • Contacting her family
  • Feeling bored

Personality · · ·

(WIP) At first glance, Lia is usually described as intimidating thanks to her serious tone of voice and extravagant way of dressing, but once you speak to her that image will completely fadeaway since she's actually quite friendly and playful. Though you shouldn't let her friendliness fool you, her natural kindness can be quickly evaporated if she's provoked. She has an unexpected short temper that she learned how to keep under control most of the times but can become explosive if the wrong buttons are pushed. Lia has a strong sense of loyalty and is very serious about the people she considers important to her, she's someone who treats their trust as a precious gift and would never attempt to betray it. One could say she's an innate caregiver, always looking after those who she loves and won't doubt to stand up for them. Lia also has a mischievous side with the people she's close to, playfully annoying them as a form of expressing affection and comfort. As talkative as Lia can be, it's not easy to get close to her. She has a very small friends circle and she lets few people in. Those chosen ones who she feels comfortable enough to open up with are to this day still finding out new things about her. The ones who truly know her are the only ones who get to experience her liveliness and creativity to its best. (WIP)

Positive Trait

Caring, trustworthy, loyal, confident, organized

Negative Trait

Jealous, short-tempered, fearful, possessive, closed off

Neutral Trait

Stylish, mischievous, talkative, protective, creative, outspoken, firm

Stats · · ·









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Trivia · · ·

She taught herself music as a hobby and has a natural talent for some instruments. Not a lot of people know about it because she rarely mentions it.
People say she looks intimidating but she's actually very approachable and quite friendly.
She doesn't know how to use chopsticks.
She's still learning japanese and struggles to read and write kanjis.
She can play guitar and drums. She learned from watching her friend Ayane.

Backstory · · ·

Lia was born in South America and spent most of her childhood living there. During her first years, she lived with her parents in an apartment of a big city, but not much time after she was born, Ayane who was the daughter of a close family friend, started living with them due to the death of her parents. Lia quickly became accustomed to Ayane's presence in the apartment, and in only a few years, she became a big sister figure to her. She was closer to her than she was with her own parents. Around the young age of 6, Lia took an interest in music, and Ayane was a great influence on that. Ayane introduced Lia to her favorite records and talked to her about her favorite artists. Thanks to that, in no time, Lia developed a big passion for music, promising herself to one day perform next to Ayane when she grows up. When Lia was 9 years old, Ayane received the opportunity to participate in a huge music project in Japan and after accepting, she invited Lia to come with her to witness the process and learn more about music. Lia's parents agreed, and that same year, they both traveled to Japan. Lia and Ayane resided together for a while in a small apartment offered by the same people who funded the project, but eventually, Lia had to travel back home to continue her school studies. For years, during every school break, Lia continued visiting Ayane in Japan and decided that when she graduated school, they would finally be able to live there together and work on music. But sadly, not so long after Lia's graduation, a tragic event occurred. Like every summer, Lia, who now was 18 years old, went back to Japan, except that this time she was there to stay. Ayane welcomed her in what now would be their home. As soon as the next semester started, Lia enrolled in a private university and started majoring in music production. This went on for six months until one day, when she came back home from school, Ayane wasn't there. Lia didn't think much of it until a few hours later she heard on the news something about an altercation on the street two blocks away from where she was staying. Something about it ringed an alarm on her head, causing her to go out to check what happened with her own eyes. That day was the last time Lia and Ayane held hands.


Present · · ·

After Ayane's death, Lia struggled to find enjoyment in music. She stopped assisting to the university and canceled every music project she was working on. Noticing her sudden absence, Lia's friend Anne that she met during class called her to meet up, but Lia never showed up, causing Anne to worry. After obtaining her address that same day, Anne paid her a visit. Anne found Lia in a deplorable state in the dark apartment, so they encouraged her to have a talk with them about what happened. Lia didn't go into details but explained that she recently lost someone dear to her, and Anne managed to quickly connect the dots. Seeing her in that state, Anne invited Lia to live with them in their shared apartment, which she refused to, but after a lot of insistence, she eventually accepted the offer. Since that day, Lia, Anne, Hajun, and Allen have become roommates and live together in the same apartment. With their support, Lia started to become more stable, and thanks to Anne's influence, she became interested in fashion, where she found a great sense of comfort. Currently, Lia is 21 years old and is back in the university, this time studying fashion production and working as a producer for Anne's brand SWANK.



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Links · · ·

Best friends
Nayuta Yatonokami

Nayuta and Lia happened to meet each other at a thrift store both of them often visited. After multiple encounters Lia approached Nayuta first. They realized they aren't too different from each other and started hanging out to modify clothes together. With time they became really good friends. Nayuta is the only one who she trusts enough to share her secrets with.

Praesent pharetra augue ac finibus laoreet. Curabitur tempor vel lectus sit amet porttitor. In non urna erat.

Kanata Yatonokami

Before dating: Kanata and Lia are something like friends. They met each other through Nayuta and have a complicated relationship. Kanata recluctanly decided to give her a chance since she's really close to Nayuta. Even though their strong personalities tend to clash they surprisingly spend a lot of time together.

Praesent pharetra augue ac finibus laoreet. Curabitur tempor vel lectus sit amet porttitor. In non urna erat.

Allen Sugasano

Allen and Lia met at their university through shared classes. They quickly became friends thanks to their mutual interest in music and sometimes they work in songs together for the fun of it. Allen and Lia are quite close, they have an unspoken mutual understanding. They go to each other when something good happens. Allen's enthusiams easily rubs on Lia when they are together.

Anne Faulkner

Anne and Lia met at their university through shared classes. They became friends after Anne had an issue with their brand and Lia helped them solve it. They are each other's mood maker and discuss their latest designs together. Anne was the one who insisted Lia should move together with them, at first Lia refused but after a lot of insistance she accepted.

Hajun Yeon

Hajun and Lia met at their university through shared classes. They aren't as close as they are with the rest of BAE but they can tolerate each other most of the times. They tend to argue over Hajun's perspective of cozmez since she's very close to them but despite the ups and downs in their relationship they still stand for each other when needed.

Close friends

(A/N: Gf's oc. Will be updated when they explain me their lore)

Shiki Ando

Shiki and Lia met through Nayuta. They aren't very close but they get along well. Lia thinks that he is a little bit scared of her for some reason. Sometimes when they are alone they talk about their relationships with Kanata and Nayuta.

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