

6 months, 5 hours ago


(part of this xmas carol parody thing I'm making)


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"No harm in chopping an' changing every now and then, eh?"


The Spirit of the Present is the second of the three ghosts. 

Despite their standoffish exterior, Present is excitable, quite effeminate and giggly. They talk and act very flamboyantly. They can get a little snappy at times though as their social battery drains quickly.

Present also shapeshifts the most out of the ghosts as they consider it to reflect on the "ever-changing nature of the present... or ssomething poetic, i dinnae know." 

They always make sure to retain their signature gothic rockstar aesthetic though. 


-He's extremely proud of the boots he wears. He always goes all out whenever he visits mortals.

-Snorts when he laughs

-plays electric guitar 

-may randomly just burst into song for the hell of it

-speaks with a scottish twang

-as well as being the spirit of the present he's also a part-time imaginary friend in the summer as a side hustle -- he also worked as a passing daydream once or twice but the pay wasn't great so he quit. currently, outside of the festive season, he's on the dole.

-she LOVES food a lot 

-his tongue is forked and he has scales on the back of his neck and his elbows. since they're a very mercurial ghost they like to shapeshift but they're naturally very snakey-- they sometimes draw out their ss's a little. 

-their guitar and guitar pick are each called Want and Ignorance respectively.


"Alrigh', alrigh', hen. Keep yer hair on. First, do ye have any beer around here?

"Oh, alrigh', you know? I still feel a bit clunky, a bit stilted... But it takess time, dinna it? Can't just shape up overnight. But at leasst it's an improvement on my old forms. More... Me. You get what I mean?"

"Aye. Been a while sin' ye've had a decent kip? That'll do it."

"Hey now, I'm only half Scottish, hen. I'm also half from everywhere elsse--I've a habit of shapeshiftin'. I ken it sounds mental but there'ss a lot more to me than meetss the eye."