Blorg Guandiliggous The First



5 months, 3 days ago


Blorg Guandiliggous The First

14 . Female . Gatherer
  • cucumbers
  • cats
  • her home
  • the moon
  • outsiders
  • elves
  • people she doesnt know
  • cities

Blorg has the personality of a self centered i guess introverted personality also blorg enjoys her time interacting with her forest especially cats she doesnt enjoy or like talking to the people in her village or the outside eitheir way makes sense since her people dont like interacting with outsiders the closest interaction she had was with cassandra because of her cat like apperance but she lost interest and ranaway.

blorg was born in evergrey inside the village edhilgram where their are hunters gatherers and farmers i would say magician but every elf in edhilgram has magic most of the time she spends is practicing archy of playing with her lover the only outsider she trusts a man half bunny and half human.

Some history about blorg the reason why she doesnt have parents is because her father died of being serverly ill and her widowed mother had to marry off to a different villaged so she is left with her older sister caratha a hunter.

Mostly how blorg spends her days is doing chores like cooking cleaning going out to buy from the market for neccesities like food or tools to replace the worniut ones if she isnt she will find something entertaining to do like gathering cucumbers fish or even feeding her pets usually with her lover if they run into each other.