
6 months, 10 days ago


The sister to The Dragon Master, she earned her form when she found a similar blade to TDM's (The Dragon Master). After TDM discovered her, both of them not knowing that the other was their sibling at the time. TDM attempted to 'take her in', and train her to be a vigilante, to her disliking. This eventually drove Aurora away from TDM, unfortunately right when TDM figured out that Aurora was his sister from his previous life. So when he got word that Borja
Íñiguez* had captured her, he ran to save her despite him knowing it was a trap. After a battle with him and TDM on the ropes, he managed to show Aurora that he was indeed her brother, she helped fend off Borja for just long enough so that he returned to the land of the dead. After that, she decided to stay with Ryoto and help him from time to time with his vigilante work.

*(A forgotten conquistador temporarily brought back for the dead, set out to finish his hunt for the one who wields the Drosum Brunda)

Aurora is slightly narcissistic, and has antihero behavior for that she will usually only do something if it benefits her. She cares very much for her looks, keeping constant check for her outfit and hair. She also attempts to be an influencer, usually at the worst times (in the middle of missions usually), to her brother's displeasure.