
5 months, 30 days ago



"Time is so old, and love so brief/Love is pure gold, and time a thief..."
Name [Lena Irwin]
Name Pronunciation [Lee-nah]
Species [Thylacine]
Age [Would be 135, but is eternally 35]
Gender [Female]
Pronouns [She/her/hers]
Orientation [Straight]
Occupation [Museum exhibit]
Residence [Chicago, Illinois]
Status [Single]
Design Notes
  • Stripes down back are random, but become longer 2/3rds of the way down her back
  • Deep grey mask marking goes around eyes
  • Eyes are deep red
  • Body is stocky
  • Stripes are same deep gray as mask marking

Lena comes off as reserved at first, which is understandable--she has been through a lot. She has a snarky sense of humor, which she delights in springing upon the unwary. Underneath this layer of bravado, however, Lena is tender-hearted and struggling to come to terms with her grief with regard to her new "(un)living situation." To those who would take the time to befriend her, Lena is ultimately a caring and thoughtful individual. Theme song: Helen Forrest--Speak Low:


Lena used to live in Tasmania, enjoying a carefree existence--but that was a long time ago. She was "collected" by scientists and taxidermed around the turn of the 20th century to serve as a natural history museum exhibit, and one would think that her story would have ended there. However, it did not--she somehow retained sentience, and thus has had to adjust to "unlife" as a subject of study for everyone from serious researchers to wide-eyed schoolchildren. Lena dreams of some sort of freedom, although she is uncertain as to what her future holds--where in the world can a taxidermy thylacine fit in?  


Solomon is Lena's best friend--he is the other sentient taxidermed creature in the Hall of Mammals where she "lives." He is noble, with a commanding presence, and like Lena, he has also seen much grief. Lena is fiercely bonded to Solomon, and thinks of him as a father figure. In turn, Solomon is quite protective of Lena, and does all that he can to keep her hope alive.