


5 months, 13 days ago



"Just remember/When a dream appears/You belong to me..."
Name [Solomon Aziz]
Name Pronunciation [Sahl-oh-mohn]
Species [Barbary lion]
Age [Would be 155, but is eternally 65]
Gender [Male]
Pronouns [He/him/his]
Orientation [Straight]
Occupation [Museum exhibit]
Residence [Chicago, Illinois]
Status [Widowed]
Design Notes
  • Mane and tail tip are unusually thick
  • Eyes are ice blue
  • Mane is streaked with pale grey
  • Tail is tipped with pale grey
  • Body is same color grey as streaks in mane and tail tip

Solomon cuts a tragic figure. He is possessed of immense dignity, and for a long time, he considered it an affront that he was made to exist in a museum on display. However, over the years, he has grown to accept this way of being, and does his best to find joy in his current situation. Solomon has a tremendously kind heart, and those who can make their way past his stoic exterior will be glad that they did. Theme song: Jo Stafford--You Belong to Me:


Solomon originally lived in Algeria, enjoying a life of regal freedom--that is, until he was "collected" by hunters wishing to study him. Despite undergoing the process of taxidermization, Solomon somehow remained sentient, and he must now contend with existing as an exhibit in a natural history museum. He finds this state of affairs to be rather difficult to wrap his head around and can be melancholy as a result. However, he does his best to keep his chin up and to figure out a way to improve his situation.  


Lena is another sentient taxidermed being who lives in the natural history museum alongside Solomon, and the situation makes her quite melancholy. The two are one another's best friends, with Lena often leaning on Solomon for emotional support. Solomon is protective of Lena, and does everything he can to cheer her up. Lena is deeply appreciative of Solomon's help, and is thus fiercely loyal to him.