Bartholomew Wiley (Gratitude Bluffs)



3 years, 9 months ago


Bartholomew Wiley

  • Age
    36 years
  • DoB
    Sept 3rd
  • Height
    6'1" / 185.4 cm
  • Fav Food
    Fish Tacos

Mellow - Uncool - Brave - Downer - Virtuous

Arth is an outdoorsy person who doesn't like to rush and can easily get overwhelmed by hustle and bustle. He's often dispirited and tends to voice negative outlooks, but despite this is rather reckless when facing the odds- he'll complain about how dangerous something is, while doing it- especially if it's the right thing to do.

He's not good at talking, but he's not shy or embarrassed by it-- he knows he can be charming in a bumbling sort of way.

He's a bit out of touch and easily caught off guard socially, but in the stillness of the wild he's more adept and has an ear for his surroundings.


  • Streams and Rivers
  • Dawn before sunrise
  • Food Trucks


  • Capitalism
  • Harsh Music
  • Callousness

Don't think about the future

Arth's parents were upper middle class self-made folk, and expected much the same out of Arth and his older sister. His sister went to college for business, and based on what he'd heard second hand, Arth had already decided that wasn't for him. Still, he'd been willing to try to live up to their expectations... until he found out his parents were involved in some heinous political and economically immoral corporate gymnastics. Worse off, his sister had already known about it and accepted it. Arth graduated high school, got a job in food service, and moved out so he could essentially disown his own family (and be disowned in turn).

He lived humbly in a rural town, camping and fishing during what little free time he had away from work. This lasted until he collapsed one day in the kitchen and woke up in the hospital-- he'd experienced a stroke from an errant clot caused by stage 2 lung cancer.

He knew he couldn't afford treatment and wasn't willing to ask his family for help, nor live in medical debt-- he sold all his assets to cover the emergency bills, sold his car, and purchased a van.

Arth quit his job and lived as a transient, moving up and down the east coast. He took odd jobs, wrote music, but mostly just lived freely, ignoring the days that ticked by.

Then his sister got in touch with him again. She had been made the scapegoat of their parents' crimes as punishment for a mistake she'd made in their business, and their parents were going to take her children from her while she rotted in prison.

Though he was torn (he wasn't going to be around for long, and he didn't view himself as parent material), Arth agreed to interfere to accept custody of Miasma and Morpheus Wiley, and was going to drive up to a property she owned in Gratitude Bluffs up north to care for them. He took a job at the mall working a sunglasses kiosk and only had a handful of days to acquaint himself with his niece and nephew before all hell broke loose.

Mia had managed to make her way from her elementary school to the mall, somehow. When Arth took a chance at visiting their home, he found the place ransacked and Morph missing.

Baseball Bat
+2 AP, +1 Speed, +1 Stealth