Sister Carnation



6 years, 2 months ago

Basic Info


Sister Carnation






Runs a group for troubled young taums, with her gf Asimosa


Asimosa, girlfriend and partner for all eternity

Est. Price


Original Designer



Sister was at one point a normal, living Taum, but was infected with the Flesher parasite by (currently unknown means). It's unknown if this form is the remnants of her original body, or if this is the parasitic copy that grew within. She does remember her past life to some extent, which often makes her feel bitter and causes despair. For an unknown period of time after the parasite emerged, this taum was an aggressive loner who attacked anything within her sight. The parasite grants her unnatural strength, and despite her average size she could easily take on and beat a dire in a direct match of power. She carved out a sizable territory for herself and settled there for many years. One day, years down the road, another taum wandered into her territory, seemingly oblivious to the signs of danger - felled trees, crushed boulders, the like - and walked into Sister's cave. Something about this one was strange; it showed no emotion, smelled weird, and had a carefree air. Confused, Sister confronted it and made a display of aggression by shearing a nearby rock in half, trying to scare it off. The new taum simply purred softly. How strange. Barking and snarling, Sister tried again, but got the same result of purring. Dumbfounded, Sister inspected the stranger more closely. The gentle purring was oddly calming, and gave her the sense that this taum meant no harm. Asimosa, the wanderer who came into Sister's home unexpectedly, changed Sister's life. She helped her feel normal again, and brought back memories of her past life. This prompted Sister to create the Cysterhood, a casual group for taums who are shunned due to their appearances. It's meant as a form of social support for other lonely taums, and as a coping mechanism instead of resorting to violence and behaving the way the world sees them - as monsters. This is where Sister took on that name.