


6 months, 15 days ago



Manager, Mechanic


One of many abandoned children who grew up in the barracks, Hennessy's childhood and adolescence revolved around being conditioned to become the ideal, obedient soldier. His distaste for the work and disillusionment with the system fueled many escape attempts, but strict surveillance and the cultlike nature of the barracks environment impeded his efforts to leave. With no way out, and refusing to buy into a philosophy against his personal values, Hennessy resigned himself to living in a state of guilt and limbo, doing the bare minimum to get by, but never feeling as if he were truly content or alive. The opportunity to build a new life presented itself after a near-death incident followed by a lucky encounter with a rather unorthodox surgeon.

After his recovery, Hennessy picked up mercenary work as a way to make ends meet. When he grew tired of balancing risk against reward, he retired. Hennessy picked up the basics of prosthetics design and repair, becoming SG’s work partner and store manager. His easygoing nature and keen intuition make him a better fit for management than SG. When he isn’t keeping track of appointments or taking inventory, Hennessy takes commissions for custom limbs or sells information to those that want to benefit from his network of affiliates. Hennessy keeps in close contact with some of his former clients, as well as fellow mercenaries.

Hennessy has a large network, but few close friends. The people that make up his inner circle are those who he considers family and long-term colleagues that have earned his trust. Although their relationship started on the wrong foot, SG has become his closest friend and confidante.

Underworld residents make few assumptions and ask no questions. For Hennessy, this is a blessing. Apart from one or two people who Hennessy trusts with his past, few know about his past in the barracks.

  • Cooking
  • Reading
  • Relaxed settings
  • Commotion
  • Messiness
  • The military
  • Grew up eating gritty ration blocks formulated to meet dietary needs. Food in the barracks wasn't particularly high quality or tasty, so eating became enjoyable to him after he escaped from the military. His love for cooking was sparked by this new discovery, and because Hennessy quickly realized that living with SG meant sharing a space with someone who had even lower standards for food than him.
  • Hennessy also enjoys reading because the administration of the barracks gave their residents no opportunity to consume any media outside of approved works and government propaganda. He's open to reading anything, but is particularly fond of nonfiction and philosophy.
  • Smokes as a form of stress relief, but tries not to make it a habit.

backstory here!!!

put as much as you want!


Hennessy owes his life to them, but their relationship started off on the wrong foot. SG treated him with hostility and antagonized Hennessy because of his history. Hennessy was understanding of their anger; the mechanic eventually warmed up to him after realizing that he was also a victim of the city's authoritarian government. Through a convoluted series of events, they became roommates and co-parents of two kids, then later realized their affection for one another.


In contrast to SG acting as Cress' main enabler, Hennessy attempts to be the voice of reason, often advising caution and lecturing them about the dangers of acting on impulse. Cress, however, rarely listens when it comes to their acts of mischief. The kid is the source of many of Hennessy's headaches, and probably contributes to his sprouting new gray hairs.


Although Nasir used to be a hotheaded kid, he's grown out of the persona and become a much calmer, albeit sarcastic, young adult. Hennessy was his role model; Nasir used to dream of becoming a mercenary like him. Hennessy's active discouragement kept him from pursuing that dream amd led him to build his reputation as an arms dealer. Nasir was still trained in combat by the mercenary in case he runs into any troublesome clients or nosy members of the military.


Someone who Hennessy trusts deeply, even though he finds Gloves a major annoyance. Gloves might be a bit of an airhead, but his uncanny luck and skill as an informant make him a reliable ally. Even though they met through SG, Hennessy ended up getting to know Gloves much better through constantly running into him during mercenary work. He's bailed Gloves out of numerous deadly encounters in the past, so the informant is extremely indebted to him. Hennessy thinks Gloves could use a little more common sense or a sense of self-preservation.

code by hanyu