Guahlmi Rook



4 months, 25 days ago


Rook is the first form of the entity known as "The Forgotten", and his story is quite a curious one.

As the Power of Creation broke and this being from another dimension was cast into the 3rd, it took on a humanoid form and fell closer to divinity than believed possible, landing in the realm of the quite a literal sense, dying on impact.
A researcher, arcanist, and closeted would-be necromancer found the body and, after running several tests on every part it, realized several of the organs this body had came with had been too affected by the trauma, time spent removed from the body, and experimentation to go back in and function properly, and standard resurrection spells were not succeeding. Ergo, the arcanist chose to fill the hollowed body with straw, replace the removed eyes with better preserved ones, and place the skull and brain back in as though they had never been removed. After some work, the fingers twitched and Rook was brought into existence properly.

Rook's skin does not regrow after damage, requiring stitching to be held together and larger damaged portions are covered via grafting from other parts of the body and containing the removed skin with clothes on a regular basis. Over time, the straw, along with some seeds and soil that had gotten gradually mixed in, started to accept the power of nature, allowing for regeneration, maintained structure, and a bizarre ability to contort. He also gained an aptitude for nature magic, and found his way to following the rejuvenating and destructive forces of Wildfire. The hollow, plant-filled body is lighter than most humanoids, leading to innately increased stealth capabilities and somewhat heightened acrobatic maneuverability, but with a low physical strength, his skills in the latter department are balanced out. His vast intelligence, the reason he could leave his servitude, latched onto the illusory and preventative arts, allowing for safer infiltrations of dangerous places and better information gathering. 

Over the course of his travels, Rook found a portable hole that can open gateways between the planes of this reality. Further work on learning the magic behind this material led to an unexpected refinement that allows for genuine multiversal travel! Who knows where this gremlin will appear next?