
A highly intelligent alien with a shockingly polite disposition.

There's so much lore I made for his species ughh but that doesn't really matter, none of it is required lore for drawing this creature of a guy. Some notes on them are:

  • Highly aggressive and intelligent, on their own planet they tend to kill each other on sight
  • They're born with just the 'flesh' parts as the bone growths form with age
  • The entirety of their 'exoskeleton' are whatever materials they scavenged that are then molded by their body as armor
  • This takes a lot of time and effort so they try to find their own spaces where they can hide away from their own species and grow in peace

Which is how Xan managed to 'board a scavenged ship' and end up on an unknown planet that later on started to be colonized by humans.

Through observing them, Xan has learned most of the fundamentals of their language and behaviors, which in turn made him grow his own intellect. Since before he got here all he knew was murder basically.

He stays out of sight more often than not, but he is not above messing with humans at times. They tend to react in such amusing ways you know. Who thought they'd be so jumpy at seeing an over 8 foot tall humanoid shape!

Also he leaves fucking... big chicken feet tracks. <- important information