
Delta Velorum Fox - Female - Relaxed tail - Snip/Streak facial markings - Torn ear

She's the cheerful type, preferring to have fun
rather than follow rules. Although she may
seem to be all rainbows and sunshine, she can
actually be quite the problem. She takes what
she wants and flees the scene before a fight can
break out. Although not afraid to defend herself,
she won't attack others just for fun. Most of her
antics are provoked by boredom, so she tries her
best to be occupied. She's fond of traveling all
over the territories and prying other wanderers
for stories of their adventures. She'll listen to
others blabber on for hours and is willing to listen
to rants, offering comfort or ideas if possible. If
she likes the personality of a certain fox, she may
try to hang around them for longer, maybe even
bringing them small gifts in an attempt to make
them like her better.

Favorite food:
She seems to have a very difficult time
consistently eating one food, as she gets
bored of the same thing quickly. However,
her "favorite" food is a creation of her own
called a "berry medley". Despite the name,
the berry medley may not contain any berries
at all...! Its name just comes from the first
batch of the stuff that she made. She will
collect whatever fruits, berries, nuts,
mushrooms, or even flowers that she can find
wherever she may be and then smash them all
together, sort of like a child making a mud pie.
The process is very messy and, to most foxes,
kind of gross. The medley is never quite the
same twice, which keeps her interested in it.