Greed (name tbd)



9 months, 8 days ago


Member of the Seven Demons of Purgatory, ranked 4th

He represents the sin of Greed

His Aspect of Greed ability allows him to drain the wallets of people foolish enough to borrow money from him if they are unable to pay him back when it’s time to collect

And once their wallets have been bled dry, then they themselves will start to bleed until they no longer can

He also has the ability to increase his size, strength and speed by sacrificing money.

The more he spends though, the more aggressive he gets

Nothing matters more to this  demon than money and power, and he will do anything to get it.

He’s extremely manipulative and will trick people into accepting his so called “charity”, only to charge them an insane amount of interest and bleed their wallets, and then their very lives, dry when they say they can’t pay him back

Those who fall victim to his curse are given an ultimatum: play at his casino to pay off their debts or bleed dry and die

Even his fellow demons aren’t safe from his greedy nature. He is not above manipulating the other members to do him favors, and has even tried to usurp Wrath, the leader of the Seven, and take his place (which is how he got that scar on his chest)