Sendam Kour'Ral


Basic Info


Sendam Kour'Ral


Mirialan Mandalorian



Clan | House

Clan Kour'Ral | House Kour'Ral


Old Mandalorians, Bounty Hunters' Guild


Bounty Hunter



 A former academy member of Amato Sevelis, Sendam of Clan Kour'Ral remains a bitter rival of his all these years later. His father and clan patriarch Rinan was once a comrade of Sevelis clan leaders Amadeo and Ouka being childhood friends and joining them in Jaster Mereel's fight against Death Watch during the Mandalorian Civil War. While Rinan's relationship with the Sevelis' was one of close friends, family even, the war began to grow a rift between them as it raged on and left Rinan's loyalty waning. While he viewed Death Watch with contempt and saw their dishonour as weakness, he also deeply feared their manipulative tactics and preference to stay in the shadows. It was because of this that he ultimately abandoned his True Mandalorian comrades evacuating his own clansmen shortly after the disastrous battle of Galidraan began even leaving his longtime friend Amadeo behind. After the True Mandalorians defeat and subsequent tumultuous period that befell Mandalore Rinan became reclusive and paranoid. He rigorously trained his kin with the newer generations being held to an impossibly high degree. He feared not only Death Watch reprisals but also retribution from his betrayed friends in Clan Sevelis upon learning that they too survived Galidraan and joined the well known house Skirata no less. 

-Sins of the Fathers

 Thus he raised his own son Sendam to be the perfect soldier treating him as a project more than an individual constantly assuring him of the importance of their clan over the individual as he lent Sendam to harsh sparring matches with the clans younger members despite him being only a child at the time. Sendam held no ill will towards his father striving for victory at all costs and he began to put himself into increasingly extreme routines for the sake of becoming a better fighter; molded in a “true” warrior. It was while attending academy did he quickly gained the ire of his classmates due to his bombastic and egotistical personality but his high scores and vastly superior combat skills quickly made him into the star pupil. He knew only confrontation and it was through academy that he began to gain some semblance of a normalcy and developed a social life, yet despite his eagerness to participate in many academic activities, even in pacifist Sundari, he remained steadfast in his dedication to training thanks to one thing and one thing only: Amato Sevelis. 

He knew the Sevelis' well as they had visited the Kour'Ral homestead numerous times attempting to mend their strained relationship only to have it fall apart due to his father’s paranoia. Sendam since birth understood the story that they were skilled warriors who threatened the Kour'Ral clan and were plotting to overtake them ingraining within him a deep mistrust for the Sevelis' and, unsurprisingly, an intense superiority complex in his quest to prove himself greater. Amato was in turn made into a personal rival despite not having any prior history as Sendam would taunt and attack Amato at every turn never holding back during sparing sessions beating him to pulp constantly and jumping him after dismissal. Amato’s own physical and emotional duress was only worsened by him and feeling weak, he took the bullying instead of resisting for most of his academy life until he eventually snapped and the two ended up brawling in the middle of class sending both of them to the infirmary. Tired of the continued hostility between them the Academy expelled them both.

-The Bounty Hunter

 From this point they went their separate ways with Amato taking up flying and slowly honing his skills as a Mandalorian with the help of a Kaleesh friend while Sendam meanwhile remained with his clan never leaving Mandalore seeing his interrupted fight with Amato as a score that desperately needed to be settled. To achieve this end he focused all of his time of studying and training in as many aspects of Mandalorian combat as possible, strategy, martial arts, gadgetry, and went as far as heavily modifying his True Mandalorian armour to the point of being practically unrecognizable. While his rival Amato expanded into the Outer Rim piracy and then became tangeled in the Clone Wars, Sendam remained in Mandalorian Space becoming a bounty hunter to provide greater and more variable “combat tests” for him. As he continues to train and fight in his work he's made the occasional run in with Amato only to find him stronger and more skilled; capable of holding his own and even winning. This only made Sendam all the more begrudging and deepened his desire to prove his strength over the Sevelis heir once and for all, so much so perhaps he’s even willing to join the Republic just to gain the opportunity...