


5 years, 10 months ago


Olm Boss
Emery Martinez
Their Ethnicity
Ripped Jeans | Hoodies
My Hero Academia (MHA)
Mob Boss
Asexual Panromantic

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin ullamcorper, est a convallis mollis, lectus augue lacinia neque, non pretium purus ipsum in turpis. Donec elit sapien, facilisis sed arcu eu, rutrum sollicitudin lorem. Sed tempus viverra orci, id bibendum urna pellentesque non. Integer vitae ornare sapien. Sed eu arcu id elit lobortis ornare id at est. In iaculis mi a odio accumsan aliquet eget eget odio. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Phasellus tristique sapien sed lacinia dapibus. Maecenas elit nisl, commodo vitae turpis quis, ultrices pretium leo. Vestibulum sed metus neque. Morbi congue pretium augue sed convallis. Nunc in lectus ac nunc mollis tempor.

Duis ullamcorper est augue, eget vestibulum quam malesuada ac. Etiam nec nisi orci. Donec sed lacinia dui, a accumsan ex. Quisque facilisis tortor sit amet interdum hendrerit. Donec gravida, justo sed facilisis laoreet, urna est pharetra ligula, non faucibus dolor magna quis ligula. Etiam pulvinar nunc eget neque euismod placerat. Mauris purus orci, volutpat ut quam non, imperdiet vulputate ante.

  • Fossils
  • Gelato
  • Spicy Foods
  • Nutella
  • Swimming
  • Endearments (eg. darling)
  • Strong Scents
  • Sunscreen
  • Smoking
  • Heroes
  • Fireworks
  • Dogs
  • Aeroplanes
  • Nightclubs
  • Reading (Rather, being read to)
  • Candle-making
  • Saxophone
  • Diving
  • --
  • --
  • --
  • disgusting secret
  • Cannot coordinate her clothes
  • Stands close to people so she knows what they're doing
  • Thinks a sea cucumber is a vegetable
Pet Peeves
  • did you just
  • seriously
  • do that
  • to me
  • Sharks
  • scream
  • scarred for life
  • burn it


Emery's mother fell pregnant with her after fooling around with her father; the pair were good friends and had experimented with each other with unexpected consequences. The pair married to ensure that their child wouldn't be born out of wedlock, slowly developing feelings for each other as they spent time together throughout the pregnancy. When Emery was born, her parents were surprised by her gills and tail but disregarded the mutation. She was pampered and given much attention due to being the only child, quickly getting used to the attention. However, her mother fell pregnant again when she was two and the attention she received decreased, making her jealous of the expected baby and leading her to act out more to get attention. Her grandfather took care of her more often than not during this time as she was a terror in the house, causing stress for her parents. She would often stay at her grandfathers house as well.
When her mother fell pregnant for a third time with twins when Emery was three, she started to spend more time on her own in the garden rather than acting out, knowing that it wouldn't achieve anything if she acted badly. She became more of a loner and grew to prefer the outdoors compared to the indoors; she also spent time with Grant, her baby brother, and grew closer with him. He had started toddling around and she had taken to leading him around by his hand, exploring the house with him. This behaviour continued until Emery was five and Grant was three, when they had ventured into their father's study and discovered a newspaper clipping with information on their father's villain activities. Being unable to understand it all, they took it to their mother to find out what it said and was told that she would explain it when they were older.
Emery didn't enjoy schooling very much, being estranged from her classmates due to other children finding her odd-looking and preferring to play with the other children that had 'cooler' quirks. She made a small circle of friends that she enjoyed spending time with in school, though she preferred to spend her time reading and studying over socialising. As she grew up, people started to pick on her a little because of her strange looks and her inability to see, taunting her and telling her she wouldn't be able to do anything good with herself because she wouldn't be able to see what she was doing. Being rather reserved already, Emery drew into her shell more and became much ruder to strangers, snapping back when people were rude to her. She got into a lot of fights during her younger years, learning from experience that damage to her gills affected her ability to take in oxygen effectively which landed her in hospital at the time.
When Emery was ten, she became obsessed over a TV show about heroes and villains, often acting out scenes of the show with her younger siblings. The subject of the show reminded her of the newspaper clipping that she had found but never got the answer to when she was younger, leading her to question her mother about it again. This time, she was given an answer to it; her father was a well-known villain called Raiju who was known for theft and explosive battles with pro-heroes. She was pretty shocked when she found out but didn't outright reject her father, deciding not to bring his business back to the house. Around the same time, Emery started to realise that the constant discomfort she would feel was due to body dysmorphia, feeling uncomfortable in her own skin. She started growing her hair out and wearing looser clothes, switching up her style a little to try and be more comfortable with herself. It wasn't until the receptionist in the swimming pool mistakenly used she/her pronouns that she realised that she preferred female pronouns; building on that, she started trying on female clothing and felt a little better about herself, realising that she felt like she was born in the wrong body.
It wasn't until she was fourteen that she came out with this information to her parents who were thoroughly shocked, though they were as polite as they could be and accepted her for who she was. She started to use female pronouns in daily life, her parents asking her teachers to do the same and leading to the students finding out. The bullying increased, going from simply verbal to physical as well. It got to the point that she refused to go to school, shutting herself in at home and isolating herself from the other children her age. She despised their attitudes and actions that they carried out, despite declaring that they would be heroes in the future. At the age of sixteen, the physical bullying and humiliation got to the point that she asked to be home-schooled and resolved to be nothing like the children, on the fence about becoming a villain at her young age.
When it came close to her seventeenth birthday, Emery's father was noticed more for his villainous activities and was at risk at being unmasked. To avoid being discovered and convicted, he threw a dart at a map and decided to move to Japan. The family packed up and left for the new country, Emery already adamant that she wouldn't be hanging around the children her age and spent much more time on her own researching the country's culture. Whilst living in Japan, she noticed that the amount of villain activity was much higher than in Mexico, witnessing many different battles between villains and heroes. However, the only thing that tipped her mind was a new report when she was nineteen detailing the accidental death of a villain who was found to be stealing to support their family and had been cornered by heroes. The ensuing battle made the building near them structurally unsound and lead to it collapsing on the group, leaving a few dead and many critically injured. She decided to become a villain and work to support her younger siblings, starting a small gang that grew over the years. Her father was eventually unmasked and, after having been arrested and put through a court case, was sentenced to 6 years in prison for grand larceny; this meant that Emery and her miserable mother were left to care for her younger siblings financially. This increased her resolve to do well in her villain career in order to support her family and ensure that they all had what they needed.

Name Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vel tortor ligula. Proin quis luctus eros. Curabitur et lacinia tellus, sed feugiat ipsum. Suspendisse quam nisi, aliquam sit amet mauris vitae, pellentesque varius massa.

Name Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vel tortor ligula. Proin quis luctus eros. Curabitur et lacinia tellus, sed feugiat ipsum. Suspendisse quam nisi, aliquam sit amet mauris vitae, pellentesque varius massa. Nam elementum egestas semper.

Name Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vel tortor ligula. Proin quis luctus eros. Curabitur et lacinia tellus, sed feugiat ipsum. Suspendisse quam nisi, aliquam sit amet mauris vitae.

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit."
  • ● Write trivia / extra bits of information in this section.
  • ● Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • ● Duis ullamcorper est augue, eget vestibulum quam malesuada ac.
  • ● Morbi rutrum fringilla dui, nec porttitor nibh interdum eu.
  • ● Donec elit sapien, facilisis sed arcu eu, rutrum sollicitudin lorem.
  • ● Sed tempus viverra orci, id bibendum urna pellentesque non.

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