Betty's Comments

Could u ping me if this character ever gets off hold :3 I am interested in them but ik they are pending to someone else !! But it’s been a bit so I didn’t know if it was still ongoing 

The hold will likely be ending soon! The person never got a hold of me. I'll wait until a week to see if they get back to me, if not I'll let you know and you may offer!

Okay thank u :D!!!

If you're still interested, then you may offer for them. 

I'm currently closing off thr pending for this character!

Thank you for the opportunity :3

The main thing I can offer is customs, I make them on my own personal base so it’s easier but if you’d rather not I can make it off base :3 you can check my design tab for examples!!

For premade characters anyone Here is ufo
I rlly want them gone so if you like anyone don’t be afraid to ask :D

I'd be most interested in a custom from you; it'd be perfectly fine on a base that's owned by you! I actually think your designs are SOOOO cute! 

Would it be alright if you could make a CBC of; Edolon Vryche? if possible I'd like the lil guy to be a fox? Possibly even a Kitsune take on to the design? :-0??

Yes I can!! Do you have discord or something to make it easier to talk about it :D

We can discuss this in my private messages! I'd prefer it there if that'd be alright!

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