

5 months, 26 days ago



composed by kale

my ut/dr sona!! 

he's me so their name is robin, it uses any prns & they're bi, aceflux, enby & transmasc

polar-bear-cub-walking-with-sunglasses.glore: undertale edition

in undertale they're a relative of gift bear and they live in snowdin in one of those houses just offscreen behind grillby's

they're best friends with burgerpants and he's always laughing with him about his embarrassing stories

he's also the same age as him (i would assume a teenager)

they two of them do secretly watch mettaton's show together though, even if he is a bad boss to burgerpants they have to admit the man knows how to entertain!

he thinks bratty and catty are super cool and always stops for a chat when he goes to visit burgerpants at work. they don't get why they're friends with him but he always laughs it off and tells them they'd like burgerpants if they got to know him!

robin is a regular at grillby's as he lives right behind it and you can usually catch him there eating a burger

bear-polarbear.giflore: deltarune edition

in deltarune they're best friends with bratty!

it's now college-age (since everyone is a few years older in dr) & works at qc's diner

he's friends with burgerpants and asriel as well, and went to college with asriel before dropping out and returning to hometown

they're trying to convince bratty that catty isn't being mean to her and that she's overthinking but she isn't having it lol

he also has tried to tell burgerpants his online gf is just a slice of pizza but... he doesn't have the heart to go through with it 

he spends most of his alone time reading comics in the library, and because he's there so often he ends up talking to berdly, 

who he now views like a little brother as they see a lot of themself in him :)

if robin was in the dark world his weapon would be sledgehammer and they would probably ask ralsei to teach them healing magic!

he would strictly act in self-defense and would probably, like berdly think dark worlds are cool asf 

and almost cause the roaring tryna open another one for funzies... oopsies! 

bear-party.gifdesign notes!

like if u want to draw him :3

♣ obvs they're meant to be me so nothing weird

♣ i would LOVE art of them with pretty much any of the characters, if there are specific characters where you'd want to know what their relationship would be like, let me know!!

♣ no ship art pretty please!

♣ do not draw them skinny i'll be weirded out

♣ oh also don't draw them with a um 'feminine figure' if you know what i mean :/

♣ plz if you have utdr ocs draw them together if you want that is freaking epic

ositos-blancos-osito.gifthanku 4 reading <3