


6 months, 4 days ago





≈60 🌙s at death






Above Avg




”He is a weapon, a killer. Do not forget it. You can use a spear as a walking stick, but that will not change its nature.” -somewhere in Song of Achilles

Sytheclaw is a fail safe if there is ever a situation that gets to out of control for Starclan, and since they can’t directly influence cats in the living world they have him sent down to deal with the cat who’s messing with everybody’s religion. 

He’s not a ghost, nor is he aligned with Starclan or the Darkforest. He lives alone on an island in the middle of the river separating Starclan and the Darkforst. Although he has the ability to freely walk between the two main territories it is widely frowned upon, the other cats often treat him harshly and often require him to leave their territory.

positive . neutral . negative

Sytheclaw is not very social, in most cases when he has the chance to be around other cats it’s not by choice, and more often than not a sign that he will have to kill someone soon as part of his role in the afterlife. Even before when there were cats in the middle ground he preferred to keep to himself and not close to many of his clan mates

 extraversion   introversion 

 sensing   intuition 

 thinking   feeling 

 judging   perceiving 


  • Full Belly
  • Climbing trees
  • Colors


  • Blood
  • Starclan
  • socializing



Not much is known about Sytheclaw before his death, other than he was very insignificant in the rule of Starclan when he was alive, only becoming of use to him once they got rid of his clanmates in the middle ground of the afterlife, most used to think he died from an illness or poison due to the lack of scars he has, but it is unclear how he truly died and he refuses to tell



In the first years after his passing, Sytheclaw resumed the role of a warrior even in death, finding it his best quality to give to the clan of the middle ground. Peace was well maintained between the 3 territories. Only Starclan had other plans. After Starclan learned that the more cats to a certain level of the afterlife would gain more power, they tricked the middle ground into a self genocide that left a awful and unforgivable smear in Starclan reputation, only after the blood Shed ceased did they find the soul survivor. Sytheclaw. The stars finally bestowed “mercy” to him by allowing him a purpose, to interfere with the mortal clans



After so long living over and over again, being granted the ability to walk between the Territories of Starclan and the Dark forest, Sytheclaw is driven from all places, not welcome anywhere but the graveyard of a now forgotten clan and left as its only survivor. He does eventually gain another clanmate in the middle ground after years of exile, Shadepaw, after she betrayed Starclan and will be trained under him to share his job/ punishment

Design Notes.

  • Grey eyes with a slight fade towards the bottom
    • He has little claw patterns behind his eyes
    • Tail fades from the base color to white
  • He has white stripes running down his entire back but they’re only connected in the shoulder area to look like a rib cage
  • no known visible scars


  • Although he lacked a strong connection with the cats in the middle ground, there were still a sparse lawful of friends he liked to have around
  • He’s been dead for so long he doesn’t remember what clan he was originally from, he believes it was Thunderclan for his preference for Squirrels
  • He’s a pretty decent climber, his larger build makes it tough with nooks n’ crannies but he can basically walk up a tree if needed
  • Sytheclaw wasn’t his original name, Starclan changed it when he became their pawn as a reminder to what he was, a tool for their use
  • If for whatever reason you want to know more about my interpretation of Starclan and the history of the of this made up middle ground, I got chu

Old leader/ enemy

Apprentice in middle ground
