POV: your oc’s bio is 5 paragraphs to long

1 year, 6 months ago
4 months, 2 hours ago
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Entry 4
Published 4 months, 2 hours ago

All of my main Warrior cat oc's original bios that I changed cuz they were to long 🫠

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This mostly goes from the pov of what generally happened in the early years of Starclan and the Darkforest, not necessarily directly to Sytheclaw but to everyone.


There is a middle ground between Starclan and the Dark Forest, it is an island separated by two rivers and is located between the two territories, along a certain border they share it is required to cross the island to safely get to the other side. Before all cats were seperateind into Starclan or the Darkforest , the only cats that went to either clan were either pure saints or blood thirsty tyrants. The cats who used dwell on the island were simply middle ground cats, neither good nor evil. Simply put, average.

Sytheclaw was one of these warriors, fed less than Starclan but better off than what the Darkforest could find, dark minded in the eyes of the Stars but saintly compared to others. Middle ground. Their system was fine, till it wasn’t. 

In coming to realization that the more cats the territories had the more their power grew, Starclan saw the middle ground as a threat. Fearful of an uprising the council of Starclan did the unthinkable. They sent plagues, omens, famine to the middle ground, in hopes it would dwindle their trust in each other, and just when all was rising in chaos in the middle ground, Starclan descended unto them, posed as gods, they promised a future full of mercy, joy and peace in their land if they completed a self genocide to cleanse their lands and allow for a brighter future for the cats to join their ranks in latter years, erase the past of their fighting and dark times. 

Most gladly became martyrs for what they thought was “the greater good”, others came to the belief that they could kill non believers in the sign as a show of loyalty to Starclan and began the belief that through willingness to kill others they would allow them to join their ranks, but it was a false belief. Sytheclaw did not believe the sign, and instead made it his goal to escape the blood bath across one of the rivers to safety, knowing full well he would be killed on the other side it was better than being killed at the false belief of his friends for the cleansing of his home. But Sytheclaw never made it to a river, he instead found everywhere blocked and dangerous to cross by the extremists (Believers in the idea that if they made it through the blood bath they would be spared, loyal under their leader Tbn)

Sytheclaw was forced to fight to survive, believing that he would outlive the tyranny that Starclan had thrust upon them, till eventually Sytheclaw was left face to face with the last survivor, dying from a recent wound, and Sytheclaw gave him mercy. Starclan ended the bloodbath and pronounced Sytheclaw the victor in their game, as that’s all it was to them. A game. When Sytheclaw asked what Starclan was to do with him now, kill him or spare him for their ranks, they came with a different approach.

Sytheclaw was condemned by Starclan to serve them as their pawn, nothing more than to do their dirty work, because Sytheclaw was a middle ground cat he was the closest thing left to mortal in the afterlife and has been sent down a handful of times to rid the clans of evil cats because he was strong and disposable.

No more cats after Sytheclaw would be sent to the middle ground, instead all cats are now simply separated into the two clans to grow their powers while Sytheclaw is left to his role as puppet to the clan that destroyed one of the layers of the afterlife.

To this day the Darkforest warriors that remain tell horror stories about the blood bath that occurred due to Starclan’s own bidding and how they were more ruthless then the devils themselves.