Ichor Pearl



6 months, 13 days ago


Ichor Pearl


Designation Cabochon-P1I Facet-0001
Nickname Ichor
Gem Type "Pearl", Harden Diamond's Blood
Pronouns She/Her
Gem Placement Right Eye
Age Early Era 3, ~91,000
Role Attendant
Height 6'5"
Alignment "Loyalist"
Sexuality Aro-Ace


  • N/A (Accidently Creation May Count)


  • Organic Life
  • Blue Colorations
  • Constellations

A pearl with little care for things, her world view is very narrow and care is only shown to gems and beings in her direct life and anyone outside of it isn’t even considered in her mind. Ichor holds the frivolity of a pearl, serving the gem she attends to with an amount of effort that could make the average pearl cry. She’s a prime attendant, even by being created by accident it’s as if she never was. While she is a superior attendant she still has thoughts of rebellion that plague her mind after seeing the freedom of organic life, she’s never acted on these urges out of fear but they are there and may one day become too much to ignore.


The dawn of Era 3, the start of one crisis after another. Within the palace of brilliant blue and white hues the Diamond of Design sat upon their throne, working as one does. A small stray arrow flies in from the corner, scratching the Diamond's arm, 3 droplets of blood land on the floor below before the gem who shot the arrow is disposed of. Pearls get to work cleaning the blood and disposing of it, however one droplet had fallen onto a sculpture of cold ice, freezing it instantly. A little crystal of the purest substance and as the Diamond flicked away a tear from the small pain that arrow caused the tear of life planed on that crystal, giving it life. It only took mere moments for that droplet of blood to form into a pearl of brilliant golden hue, the color of pure light and accents of blue from the Diamond who created her.


Shock and surprise passed over the court as the pearl of god's blood took above that ice sculpture that made her gemstone. Taken in the hand of her Diamond, the lover of pearls known far and wide throughout the Empire for such, and was given a name. Ichor Pearl, the pearl of diamond's blood. With the offer of a salute and bow the attendant was set on to the floor and so her life began. Ichor, the creation of a Diamond by accident was the talk of the court, and while Celestial Blue could have kept Ichor as a pearl of her own, for once she decided not, the reason unknown to many, only guesses could be made. Ichor ended up in the stands of as the attendant to a brilliantly created Amber who is in service within the Opaline Court was one of the many organic life ambassadors. Ichor attends to her Amber's needs and wants, excelling in duties of schedule management and diplomacy herself.

Modern Day

Such a beautiful pearl with such mysterious origins has caught the eyes of many and her Amber and herself have had to dodge more than one gem trying to take Ichor from the Amber, by force, blackmail and more unsavory practices. However Ichor has stood firm in serving her Amber and they are the only gem she's known to serve and feels like another would be a senseless replacement. Going along with her Amber on these ambassador missions has been life changing, her understanding of organics has grown and a love for it has bloomed. Organic life is so unique and different then anything she's ever known, much life herself, organics are their own beings and perhaps she might be too. Rebellion plagues her mind, however the thoughts of such have never been acted upon in fear of leaving her Amber and the society she has come to love and grown up in.


  • Her birthdate would technically be on December 14th.
  • Since she was created from the frozen blood of a diamond, her own blood can give gems life, however on a much smaller scale, only pebbles, which she’s made only 2 ever by accident.
  • She has many monikers: The Pearl of Diamond’s Blood, God’s Blood Pearl, Golden Grace and more. All of these were given to her by admirers.
  • Even with her gemstone on her eye, she has better vision and prescription than most gems thanks to the purity of her creation.
  • She has a deep seeded hatred for militia gems, be it her creation in such a dainty court or her duty, but most soldiers put her on edge.
  • Ichor is much stronger then a normal pearl and she could likely stand against a standard Quartz with ease.
  • While she shares a close appearance with her Amber, she was not created for them specifically, instead the Amber was actually created to be her owner.
  • Her love for organic life extends to most every type, flora being her most favorite but followed closely by fauna.
  • Her summonable weapon is an ornate hand fan which by her will can turn sharp and bladed to slice through gems easily.



Ambrosia Amber [Owner]

A yellow Amber with blue accents that was actually created for Ichor, more so to be Ichor’s owner. Ambrosia Amber is a confident gem and Ichor adores her in every way possible. Even if Ichor is a diamond’s direct creation, she sees herself as much lower then her Amber, which in technicality she is, but her Amber doesn’t see it like that. Ichor would do anything for her Amber, even give her life if it came down to it.


Celestial Blue Diamond [Creator]

The Diamond’s who’s blood she was created from. While this was all a complete accident, Ichor holds a great amount of thanks to Celestial for both allowing her to exist but also for giving her to her Amber to begin with. She gives praise to her creator Diamond whenever she can as she views Celestial as the Diamond who’s court she is in, not Opaline’s.