Mercutio Corcogen



6 months, 58 minutes ago


Radio and network celebrity whos known for doing gossip talk shows, podcats and holding promotional events, mainly uses the media to entertain himself while also subtly pushing for anti-human propaganda. Theyre pretty well known in upper-class vamp social circles for being a trouble maker and a liar, while in the human world he's simply seen as a celebrity

Hailing from the Corcogen family, he holds contempt for the human race and believes they should be subjugated to vampires, though of course, the family having great influence over media, they keep up a professional and amiable front to hide how sadistic they are to humanity.

Merce does go out of his way to be violent towards humans, the charisma oozing from his voice and suave persona tends to persuade and convince people to a certain point of view. Most of the time he draws the attention of vampires to attack humans, have humans attack each other or turned vampires and pushing for humans to be more open of accepting vampires as their masters. 

Heavily promotes turning into vamps, though he will still think less of you since you started off human. There is no winning.

Voice: Edward Bosco