


9 months, 8 days ago


Often described as a mix between a theropod, a praying mantis, and a dragon or damselfly, the mantidon is a short species that lives large social units. They are most susceptible to planetsick, an enigmatic disease that can cause agitation and violent behavior, seemingly due to having evolved to live around so many other people. They are also obligate carnivores who can only handle small amounts of vegetable matter. The planet they come from has a higher level of oxygen in the air than that of humans or skates.

Their dislike of being alone can make them irritating to humans and skates, as they have a different concept of personal space and will not pick up on someone wanting to be left alone unless told outright. This also makes interstellar travel difficult on a smaller scale. Ships with mantidon workers rarely have less than ten other crew members, and even that can stress them out if their trip is a long one. Their space suits come with multiple tubes that supply oxygen to their spiracles.