
5 months, 30 days ago


There is so much hidden right under your nose
Was created by nature itself
Scrappy looking
Painted Satyr
chaotic good
Current location: ???
Masterlist: LINK HERE
  • His 'me' time. Never seems to get enough
  • Electronic stuff, especially older models
  • Traveling
  • Video games
  • Having to go in the sewers to fix something (it happens to often)
  • Constantly being asked to help out. He can't say no
  • His mushroom growth and floppy ear
  • Winter

Naive - Determined - Patient - Absent minded - Very protective - Helpful - Pushover - Curious - Playful







  • The name 'Ino' comes from the word 'Inocybe', a large genus of mushrooms with some (like the one on Ino's leg) being hallucinogenic. 'Ino' is also fittingly close to the word 'Inu', which means 'Dog' in Japanese.
  • Ino only uses his metal abilities. He uses it to strengten himself when fighting and to give him more of an advantage when working with metals as a technician. For the most part he relies on his own body and only uses metal magic to make his hits even more powerfull and dangerous. But he has no skill with illusion magic whatsoever. He only got this type of magic from the mushrooms that grew on his leg, passed down by someone close to him. It's alien to him and he will only use it as a last result and even then it's not in a controlled way.
  • Ino absolutely adores the warmer weather and is out a lot then. In winter he has his own form of hibernating where he rarely faces the cold and can't be seen often. Others think with his fur cape the cold should be easy to handle, but the fur is actually much more protective againt the heat.
  • The floppy ear is the result of an accident. It broke at one point and ever since it hasn't been able to stay upright. It's one of Ino's insecurities since it makes him look like his baby self when he had two floppy ears, he thinks it makes him look childish.
  • Ino is VERY skilled when it comes to technology and can fix and understand pretty much anything. But like Nitro he can't work with touchscreens and is stuck with vintage technology because of it. He also has very limited understanding on anything else.
  • ??????????????????????

dgpgmu5-2463e81c-ce14-4d53-bd6f-0c7906e9Ino has a pet hemling that he found one day while fixing cables hidden in large hazardous sewers. Hemlings were abundant in that place and seen as somewhat of a pest since they bite through the cables that run there. The constant exposure to the toxic air and polluted waters has caused some Hemlings to be born with a bit of a mutation. This Hemling that Ino named 'Bit' has traits of both the more common and uncommon Hemlings merged together with some other weird changes as well. The other Hemlings didn't accept them and as a result this Hemling is very defensive and bitey. They also tend to steal Ino's tools and hide them as another way of throwing a tantrum. Ino has tied a bell around one horn because the small creature is exremely good at hiding. This Hemling is just small enough to fit in Ino's pockets and is often brought along for work (mainly so they don't tear apart his house when he's gone).

Friend and supplier








Unlikely friend
