


8 years, 4 months ago


"This demon is moody. it has black skin and cat-like white eyes. Its hair is amaranth pink and is a rat's nest of tangles. Its speciality is information."

They have to have Nick in the room to even get this guy to talk. Milo has an excessive amount of information, most of which he obtains on his frequent scouting trips. Since he was tortured before being kicked from one of the three cities, he has hardly been able to bring himself to speak. He's almost always shaking or hiding. His favorite place to sneak off to is in the room with the pool table. There's a small hole in the wall there that he can slip into and where the others can't get to him eaily. Milo doesn't rember what his life was before he joined the den. In fact, he lost nearly all of his memories after being tormented. Can't sleep when it's dark out due to being afraid, so he'll try to catnap during the day. Not afraid of the dark, but afraid of the night, as he feels the people are creeping up on him to kidnap him again. Hates overcast days or other such things that prevent the sun from shining as bright as usual. He rarely has any peace, but the den isn't sure how to help him. Over time, he is getting better, but it's a very slow process. Hair color is naturally a cream color. The others aren't really sure where he gets his hands on dye, but his hair frequently changes color.