
5 months, 25 days ago


Dusk is grumpy and is awake at night and asleep at day 👍 I don't have anything else other than that lol

Sorry Idk how to make a species sheet :')

Cloud Dragons are an open species of a canine-like creature with unique fur and colors based off of the sky and clouds. Most have soft fur on her heads and front legs and have long, curly fur on their body and back legs. The Cloud Dragon's main source of food is fish and they live on Earth or in any fictional world. There are two types of Cloud Dragons; the Day and Night Dragons. Day dragons have colors based off of the skies during the day and mornings or sunsets. Night dragons are nocternal and are based off of the night, often having stars on their fur. There are other features other than color too that seperate the two.

Common Features For Both:

-A patch of feathers on front legs

-Have sharp wings

-Are 5 feet tall on average

-Have the anatomy of a canine

-Because of their shape and thick fur, they struggle to fly

-Live in high places like mountains or steep hills so they can jump off ledges as they can't fly off of flat ground.

Rare Features For Both:

-Mostly of poofy or soft fur

-Mix of Day and Night dragon

-Designs based off of storms, meteor showers, eclipses, etc.

-Different shaped wings (Round, small, etc. They have to be feathers, though)

-Patches of poofy fur isolated from the rest for example; having poofy fur on the front paws while the rest of the leg is regular fur

Day Dragon Features:

-Have medium length fur pointed upward in some parts

-Have dark, pawpads to protect them from hot rocks from the sun

Night Dragon Features:

-Have long, droopy fur

-Eyes are darker and they have larger pupils to see in the dark well. Because of this, they can be sensitive to light.

-Have light colored pawpads

What's Not Allowed:

-Designs based off of human-made objects for example; no airplane or firework markings.

How To Design One:

You can do whatever you want as long as it doesn't break the rules. This is just the way I use to design my dragons. Have a photo of the sky as reference and eye drop the colors you would like getting the color of the sky and clouds. Use the colors of the sky for the fur and the colors of the clouds for the poofy fur. The wings can be either.

You can see other designs I've made as reference. If someone else had the same idea as you, (example; northern lights) you can do the same just don't copy or reference the other's.