


6 months, 22 hours ago


Name- Terro

Gender- Male

Sexuality- Gay

Shipped with my friends character bang!


Personality- Terro is the strong and silent type. He often feels that he has nothing important to say, so he stays back to listen rather than join in a conversation. He can seem intense to those who don't know him, though that's just because he doesn't speak much and because he always has a squint to his eyes, making it look like he is scowling or angry. Terro is a hard worker, and he is someone who will do his best at anything he puts his mind to. He tends to be the peacekeeper within a group, stepping in if there is an argument or fight. Despite his RBF, he is a total sweetheart who is willing to do anything for those who he cares about. He is always trying to help and do nice things, even if he isn't obvious about it. 

Backstory- Terro, despite being pushed to go into a military school, had never wanted to be a fighter. He wasn't interested in learning different fighting techniques or battle strategies. He didn't care about the intricacies of war. Instead, he had always been drawn to music, and when he saw a chance to chase that dream he had seized it, becoming the bassist for a small metal band that was having auditions. Now he tours along with his friends, enjoying the life that he had chosen for himself.


* Terro's eyesight is horrible, yet he refuses to wear glasses because they don't mesh well with the metal look in his opinion. This contributes to his intense appearance, causing him to squint as he struggles to make out his surroundings

* Terro can play a song by ear. As long as he hears something once, he will be able to replicate it fairly easily.