
5 months, 20 days ago


Potatoe is my second main persona! Their name is spelled Potatoe, and not Potato (like the vegitible). Here's some of their backstory! [WARNING! MAY BE TRIGGERING TO SOME!]: Potatoe was a child, when the humans came with weapons and fire. Potatoe watched silently as their people and village slowly died, from the sharp knifes, blazing fire, chocking smoke, or were simply captured. Potatoe didn't know why, but they couldn't move. Potatoe was glad when their best friend Worm grabbed thek and ran out of the village. Potatoe didn't have eyes, but if they did they'd be leaking tears. Worm set Potatoe down next to a large willow tree on a hill away from the fire and village, though they could still see the flames and hear the screames. Potatoe could tell that Worm was trying to act strong, besides their tears that were in all five of Worm's eyes. Worm promised Potatoe that they would protect Potatoe from the humans, and Potatoe knew that Worm could most likely keep promise.