Basic Info




Quint, Harley (H.Q)

Employee ID:


Suit Name:



Regional Manager

Date of Hire:

7 Months, 6 weeks ago

Hiring Manager:



Jokes, Card Games, Pranks, Performance Arts


Overly Serious Cogs, Poor Money Managment, Bad Jokes


Personal Statement:
Why I am most certainly here to provide this company a great service my dear!~ With my past job experiences you can trust that I can handle any sort of financial need. Perhaps you need someone to get things done, well That is me, I can do all of this quite quickly!! I assure you madam, you won't regret bringing me into the company at all!~

Disciplinary Records:

Harassment; 2 mo ago.

  • Was reported to have been messing with Mr. Prester while he was working.
  • Mr. Prester reported them exhibiting "Tomfoolery Behavior" via a string of pranks.
  • Was given a verbal warning.

Employment History:

  • Accountant for 10 years
  • Performer for 6 years


  • Prudent
  • Charismatic
  • Gets things done, albeit creatively.


  • Carefree
  • Mischievous
  • Dramatic

Additional Notes:

  • Appears to have history with Mrs. Damsel, the two appear to be close and work well together.
  • Really good at messing with the toons, keeps them at bay from interrupting the workplace.

Interviewer Notes:

"They appear to be very passionate, we could use more cog passionate about their work."

Opening Remarks:

"Well...they certainly made an entrance that is for sure. Very over the top, took a bow even. I never seen this before in my time working here."


"They used to work as an accountant and appears to be very knowledgeable at money management and handling. This could be useful to us."

Closing Remarks:

"The fellow is actually quite charming and seems very eloquent in how they handle themselves. Not to mention their skills involving finances...Which could be useful for the company. The Jester made me laugh to at the end of our interview."


  • Harley's name is a pun from the word "Harlequin" and their last name is based off of the term "Quint Minor", which is a sequence of five cards within the same suit.
  • Design is based off of Jesters and and Old oc concept that ended up being unused by me.
  • Harley used to have a partner. But the ex left them at the alter. Now Harley has commitment issues which they don't like addressing.
  • TBA