The Host



5 months, 23 days ago


He'll be awaiting you at the station~


NAME: Vincent Lovel
AGE: 31
PRONOUNS: It / They / He
SPECIES: Standard Ink Dweller


Vincent is a very strange Ink Dweller. The locals that still pay attention to him and his group are well aware that this man doesn't seem to have changed in a long time. Though it's charisma and strange pattern of behaviour appears to be incredibly appealing to all of the people he draws in. Many of them aren't seen again and those who are seem to be completely different people to who they were before. It's name is no longer spoken by the locals, simply the title 'The Host' used to refer to them, as if muttering it's true name could change them.


It's known for it's striking looks, even amongst other Inkies' it's dark blue ink swirling with the gold and the black & white glitter. The mushrooms that now grow from the end of his tail and his snow white hair makes him stand out even from a distance. It is strange though... they don't really seem to age all that much, not since they moved into the mansion attached to the station.


[Pawshroom] Mushroom Foliage
[Rainbow Love] Rainbow Ribbons
[Legendary] Wave Ink Tank
Yet to be announced trait [Legendary] Allows his darker Ink
[Rare] 2 Colour Glitter Ink
[Uncommon]2 Colour Ink
[Uncommon] Capsule Prosthetic
[Uncommon] Capsule Tail
[Common] Standard Ears



Vincent Lovel did not grow up in the town, not surrounded by the same money that all of those who lived their did. It didn't stop them from trying to make themselves as they got there, making itself known and putting himself out there. The fact he didn't come from money nor have any to it's name didn't matter for him; so he'd make sure it didn't matter to them either. Soon it caught the attention of the Station Master, the master of the mansion and he would not listen to the town's warnings to not be sucked in by him. But Vincent, he's young and carefree and invincible, why would he listen to their ridiculous warnings, he's just another Inky.
None of these warnings worked however, and now it seems, the town can't really remember him before he was The Host. Now just another member of the mansion that people are warned to stay away from.


It felt little remorse giving up on who he was to become who it is now. The Station Master offered him everything that they could ever want, and more things that it never even thought about. Sure, there's some remorse about what happens to some of the people around them, but he always gives them the option to leave, they just never want to.
It is embaressed over how desperate he was before, often asking the Station Master if he acted as badly as those it now meets. Maybe, maybe it feels bad over what they have to do now, or maybe he's slowly starting to forget how he used to be because this is him now and will be it for the rest of it's time.


Station Masterrelationship

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

Train[Pet] Friend

Host gets along very well with the Station Master's pet - though in all reality Train is more both of mens pet at this point. It's always the one seen walking Train outside of the grounds of the Mansion and the Station.

The Conductorrelationship

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

Ticket MasterFriend / Mentor

She's the newest now permanent member to their group, only just gaining the benefits that everyone else now has and The Host feels rather protective of her and her positive outlook, seeing himself almost as a big brother figure.






- Flirty
- Confusing People
- The Station


- Rude Questions
- Rain
- Delays


- It wasn't actually expected for Vincent to so willingly become The Host and join them, he was the first newcommer in quite some time.

- He's the only one who tends to leave the Station grounds and head into the town, he's never gone for long though.

- They may identify as homosexual but it has had multiple short term romantic relationships with women, none of them have ever been long term however.

- Ocassionally wonders how it's life could be if it didn't join them at the station.

- Has the second largest bedroom in the Mansion