Anyone in my TH interest you for these two?

Red ($25) on Toyhouse

offer on Toyhouse

Really like this guy! I see that they're new, so no worries if they're off limits

I'm pretty tentative on him, and I have a comm pending for him at the moment so I'm not sure I'd trade him at the moment. Thank you for looking though! Did anyone else happen to catch your eye or just him?

Just him, sorry!

No worries at all! Would you like to be notified if I lose connection and decide to trade him?


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no ty

no one interested me!

np, ty!

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no one i'd use!

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what's the lowest you'll go on :0

i bought them for 90 so id really prefer that, but i could haggle if art is added!

edit: took a look at your ufo, I did like these lil guys as well

I'm willing to add art!! how much would you be willing to haggle to? 

I can actually trade all of them, though I'm the tiniest bit tent on bound :] 

What's their worths?

I cant remember very well, but bound was $7 (paid the PayPal fee) tbn was $15 or $20?? and x was $10 as well I think

im most interested in x and tbn, I could do $60 plus them for the cside :3

2 Replies
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all but palette, as he was a gift! would be 32 for the lot of em :3

hydra 10, earnest 7, bryce 10, byron 5

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ok sure! you can send to [email protected]

This user is not visible to guests. any ball park at all 4 her.......

wont sell her for a bit cause i want to include her in the breeding chart :P but maybe 150 buyout later on!

Gotchaaa TY!!!!

how much would you be looking for and ?

$5 each!

oo okay i'd love to buy kreuz off of you! where can I send the $ to? ( i have paypal ;v; )

works for me, if you could send through fnf id appreciate it! 

[email protected]

sent!! im so sorry for the delay ive been out all day today ;v;

no worries at all! <3 sent him over!

Would you be interested in selling this fella? :0

And if so what's a ballpark price you're looking for?

I got em for $5 eheh, so I could take that OR cause I wanted to draw them I could add a bean for $30 :3 totally up to u tho!

I have enough to buy em for the 5 atm, but is it okay to approach you later when I'm in a better spot financially to see if you'd be down to doodle them for the 30? :0

sure thing, I'll put them in my commission discount fave folder :P you can send the money to [email protected] or $picydoodle if you have cashapp!

Thank you so much QoQ the payment should be sent on PayPal! I sent it via f&f so you didn't have to deal with the fee. I hope that is okay! You're a trustworthy artist uwu

hey I appreciate it!! :D sent em over to ya!

Hi! Kinda how much are you looking for ?

Something around 70 I'd say!

how much r u looking for them :3 if ur not willing to let go of them yet that's ok!

If you don’t mind me asking, how much would you be looking for with these guys? :0

unfortunately not looking to sell either!

Alright! That’s understandable have a good day!^^

Bluegill still has a death grip on me what would you take for her

gahhh you're free to offer!! since shes my design she doesnt have a set worth :'3 i know you'd take care of her

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RAAAH what's the lowest you'd take for

probably $50, im not super interested in selling her quite yet tho TwT that first folder is so tent im sorry HDJGHLAJ

YOU'RE GOOD !!! thats completely understandable though, ty for responding <3