Mori's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

- Commercial use is under no circumstances allowed unless exclusive permission by me has been given

- redesigning is acceptable ONLY if ~30-40% remains the same, dont make the redesign completely unrecognisable

- NEVER remove my credits from the page

- you can resell for more than the og price if commissioned work has been added

- do not sell, trade, gift any of my art or designs to people on my blacklist

For my full TOS, check out my carrd

casrastr0phe Global Rules

- Commercial use is allowed with credit to me as the designer, just DO NOT use my art for it

- redesigning is acceptable ONLY if ~30-40% remains the same, dont make the redesign completely unrecognisable

- NEVER remove my credits from the page

- you can resell for more than the og price if commissioned work has been added

- holds will last for max 10 days, then it will be put back on sale. For further extension of the hold, please message me directly.  

For my full TOS, check out my carrd