
Name: Corina Larch

Height: 5'4"

Age: 26

Birthday: 23 May (Gemini)

Origin: Lumiose City

Occupation: CEO of Ho-Oh Laboratories 

Personality: Smart, Compassionate, Outgoing, Hard-Working, Fashionable, Stubborn, Naive, Perfectionist, Ambitious 


Her parents divorced soon after she was born when her mother moved to Hoenn. Her mother was a scientist working with Professor Sycamore, then started at Devon after she moved. She was raised by her single dad, who worked in his bakery in Lumiose, and she never interacted with her mother. Growing up, Corina was bullied and isolated by her peers. When she was nine, she met Professor Sycamore and his son Florin and then became a junior lab assistant when she was ten. Her father resisted her pursuing science but saw how badly she wanted it. To celebrate her new "job," her father gifted her first Pokemon, a mareep that Corina named Eda. 

(Spoilers ahead for Corina's fanfiction that I wrote, linked in her literature tab) 

While working with Professor Sycamore, he became like another parent to her, and she met Alain after he joined the lab, too. Corina, Alain, and Florin became a tight trio, and Corina and Alain quickly developed crushes on each other. When Alain left for his journey and ghosted them, they were all heartbroken, and Corina wanted to go on her journey so badly. Her father wouldn't let her go, worried about losing her or her getting hurt out in the wild. But she kept training, and Eda evolved into a flaaffy. So, after several failed attempts and bluffs at running away, she finally did so, and Eda evolved into an ampharos. 

She traveled all over Kalos and occasionally to Hoenn and Alola, meeting Ash and his friends in various places along the way. On a trip to Hoenn, she meets Professor Birch, catches a swablu that she names Hermes, and is gifted a treecko by Birch that she names Arbor. On a second trip to Hoenn looking for an Altarianite, Hermes evolves into Altaria, and she finally finds Alain again. He was traveling with Mairin and Steven Stone (one of Corina's idols) 

Corina joins them and heads to Devon headquarters to prepare to stop Groudon and Kyogre (during the events of the mega evolution specials episodes). However, she finds that Alain's personality has totally changed since he left, and he wants nothing to do with her. She's devastated to find this side of him. After defeating them, she goes back to Kalos with Steven and Mairin to catch up with Alain. Steven offers her a job at Devon, but she declines. After Mairin's chespin enters his coma, she confronts Alain about his behavior towards her and their friends. 

She leaves to head on the rest of her journey. She travels to Alola, catches an Alolan vulpix, whom she names Lani, and gets an ice stone. She returns to Lumiose to watch the Kalos League, and sees Alain compete. When Lysandre attacks after Alain wins, she helps the MCs defeat him, and Lani evolves into an Alolan ninetales. She changes her look and cuts her hair, then decides to take Steven Stone up on his offer and moves to Rustoro City in Hoenn to work as his protege. 

A few years later Professor Sycamore and Alain visit her, and Alain finally confesses his feelings for her. They begin their romantic relationship, although it's a long distance between Kalos and Hoenn. She catches an eevee and names her Anne, who evolves into a flareon. She finally meets her mother, who she discovered was working at the same company, and discovers she has two younger half-brothers. After a few more years she moves back to Kalos after getting the job to take over the old Lysandre Labs, and renames it Ho-Oh Labs. 

She and Alain get married and have one daughter named Marina (after Mairin).