Aglaia ⚖



5 months, 29 days ago


"There is meaning in your deeds. Celebrate life and embrace death"

⚖ Heart of Gold ⚖

Overseer | Made whole, made true

Balance of Life & Death | As Above, So Below 🕯

Order of Nald'thal :

  • While the Order viewed the beasts of their Deity, as nothing more but bestowed blessings, tokens of their God's love & their own devotion... did they turn their gaze towards this one in particular. 
  • The Order was clueless, sought to use these beasts for deeds of fortune, strength, rebuild Ul'dah to something greater... the same method they used their God.
  • The beast bore no cracks, only a delicate, golden pattern along the body. Upon the Order's efforts to rewrite her divine image in their eyes, and using their God's blood for profiting - did the beast slowly crack & break, similar to her truer self.

Pantheon - Aglaia :

  • The first beast to bear the closest connection to Nald'thal, the Traders - in a way, being them in whole. 
  • A possible, Pantheon - ascended appearance, of what they used to look like, during their creation in pandaemonium. 
  • While the entity appears to not be separated, there are closer bonds with separate entities, that emerged from the Trader's suffering. (Tenet, Dogma, Fever, Arrzaneth, Latria?)
  • Due to being that of Nald'thal, she has similar movement patterns - a light limp, to a more aggressive limp. While the Origin wounds do not appear on this entity, the phantom pains remain present.
  • She doesn't bear the same wounds that are present on Nald'thal, but the cracks along the body represent them nonetheless. 
  • She bears the chronic illness, the rot, the pain. A frail, sickly creature originally called "Asthenikós - but no matter the struggles, the heart remains strong.

Cryptkeeper 🔥💀

Name | Cryptkeeper
Entity | Unknown origin, likely forged by the Twin's shared Flame

A beast forged by the shared flame of the Traders, bearing dual aspected forms - symbolizing Nald & Thal respectfully. 

This entity is able to merge itself & become one with the Twin its associated with, this leads to a new visage. This visage is considered a 'Cryptkeeper'. In mortal depictions, Cryptkeepers watch over the graves of those long fallen, manifesting themselves into draconic-like beasts - the combination with the Traders; the Keepers of Life & Death, is written in the sense of connection - beasts that were weaved by them, a mask of sorts.
