ankōru 🧿's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!



Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

Jxm Global Rules

Global rules:

1. DO NOT remove my watermark on the original design ref sheet

2. never remove my credit as the designer

3. Please dont delete my characters, if you dont want them, send them back to me and I will hide them. 

4. When posting the character online, proper credit must be given to me

5. You may draw over my art to correct patterns or add/subtract traits 

6. Do not trade my designs to users on my blacklist

7. Violating these rules will result in a ban, blacklist and a warning on my social media sites

8. global rules apply to ALL my designs, no exception

9. TBA

Regular designs:

1. You may resell the design only if you purchased the character with money 

2. Characters purchased with da pts or other digital currency can only be sold for digital currency and not irl money (characters purchased with real money can be resold for their equivalent in digi currency but not the reverse)

3. Any character obtained via a custom trade/regular trade/trade for art may be traded for art regardless of added art



2. trades for art are permitted but only if there is added art

3. Trades r ok with freebs :)))

4. If you recieved a freebie through a trade, rule 2 still applies!! Additional art must be added in order to trade them for art!!!