


9 months, 11 days ago



Name Rowanpaw
Called Ro, Rowan
Age 13 moons
Gender Female
Height 9.4 in
Build Average
Clan MooseClan
Role Apprentice
Sexuality Unsure
Demeanor Meek
Alignment Lawful good
Theme Song link


  • Mornings
  • Collecting feathers
  • Quiet time
  • Watching the sunrise


  • Eating lizards
  • Hieghts
  • Being reminded of her family
  • Waking up late


Rowanpaw is a small red, black, and cream she-cat with green eyes. She has a small tuft of cream fur on her head.


Skill Hunting
Weakness Fighting
Mentor TBD
Apprentice N/A

Aspiring- Humble - Observant

Rowanpaw knows she is capable of serving her clan. She knows the value of lineage in MooseClan and yearns to make a new name for her family despite their past. She tries to work hard and be a good apprentice though she always attributes any praise given to her to others or to Itha. She pays close attention to her surroundings and is eager to please those around her. Rowanpaw dreams of making her ancestors proud of her and as such is always careful how she presents herself.

Perfectionist - Uncomplaining - Cautious

Due to her family’s ruined reputation she has a tendency to keep herself and her emotions private preferring to showcase only her best. Rowanpaw never outwardly complains or orotests getting the worst camp tasks. When interacting with others Rowanpaw tends to be quiet giving only small responses to most questions. As a result her voice is very quiet.

Superstitious - Restrained - Dependent

Trying to keep up a good image takes a lot of willpower and Rowanpaw struggles to be vulnerable around others yet seeks their validation at the same time. She holds the belief in Itha close to her heart as she feels only they would understand her situation. She has a tendency to push herself too hard trying to please everyone.



Though she wishes it otherwise Rowankit was born as the sole kitten to a pair of rogues that were once part of MooseClan. The pair having been exiled for constantly starting fights with both other clans and their own. Owltalon and Willowwind despised the way bloodlines determined your worth in MooseClan and when they were caught plotting ways to injure cat’s with a higher social standing than them they were banished. Unbeknownst to the clan Willowwind was pregnant and at first the pair dreamed of starting their own clan far away with their new kits. When Rowankit was born her mother passed due to a complication and no access to a medicine cat. Without much hope Owltalon began to blame Itha for his misfortune going around and around either hunting for himself or finding word of nursing queens who he could ask for milk in exchange for his hunting.

On one of these days where Owltalon would go hunting and leave Rowan with a babysitter he never returned. The queen, a quiet molly, suspected he’d dumped the kit on her. Still though she would not allow Rowan to starve so she cared for her as well as her own older kits. Rowan began to see Rose as a mother and Rose told her about the clans and the world around them. The father of Rose’s litter had been a clan cat and so she knew a decent bit about them.

As she grew rumors circulated about Owltalon being seen trying to steal from a MooseClan patrol and getting himself killed in the process. This was the first time Rowan had been old enough to understand what her father had done. Rose was able to ask her mate about it and MooseClan had indeed shared news and warnings about Owl and Willow. Now both her parents were gone but she did not wish to burden rose any further. Soon she set her sights on MooseClan and begged to join to attire for her parents crimes and informing them of Willowwind’s death.


- Littlestar, knowing what it was like to make mistakes, decides to allow Rowanpaw a place in MooseClan and apprentices her to (TBD). She tries to make herself small in the clan small and useful.


- (To be continued….,)



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