


4 months, 23 days ago


Height 6'
Gender cis man
Age 52 years
Pronouns he/him
Sexuality gay
Original verse Cyberpunk 2077

Rude, selfish, and cruel for the sake of being cruel. Lucian derives a sick sort of pleasure from hurting and bullying other people, be it verbally or physically, and has never once shown any remorse for his actions. Most everyone is beneath him, and he won't let anybody forget it for a second as he acts very smug and flippant in the face of just about anything. Nothing and nobody are worth taking seriously, though the snarky, uncaring exterior partially hides an extremely short fuse; he's liable to lose his temper almost at random.

Somehow, he manages to act even worse towards people he's decided he actually doesn't like, as his bullying will go from random, spontaneous acts of cruelty to focused, targeted harrassment. Lucian will gleefully go out of his way to target people who have drawn his ire, and probably only draws it out rather than just killing them simply because he thinks it's funny.


  • Fights pretty much exclusively with a pair of serrated mantis blades. Doesn't care for firearms at all, due to his frankly alarming yet rapturous enjoyment of being up close and personal and getting drenched in blood.
  • Horrific chain smoker. Like actually so bad. It's very very rare to find him without one hanging out of his mouth. He's also always got Some measure of alcohol in his system? Man just throw the whole guy away.

[ WIP ] ex-corpo shitbag whos ambition and hubris finally got the better of him and he rather abruptly was shown the door. he kinda snapped in a major way mentally when he lost Basically Evertything He'd Ever Worked For For His Entire Life (as he'd been being trained and built up from childhood to be a model corporate man), and now hes been reduced to working as a mercenary. nobody likes working with him because hes an overly-violent lunatic who gets off on tearing people to ribbons but. well. he gets the job done. just dont expect him to be clean or quiet; 'collateral damage' is his middle name