✧Noah (._.) ❄️



9 months, 9 days ago


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    ╰┈➤ Noah Tils // Last known location ➤ Unknown

                 Doesn't seem to be causing problems, but his ability can be deadly ⊠ Status ➤ Alive 


          GENERAL INFO


> Age ➤ 24

> Height ➤ 6'0

> Gender ➤ Male [He/they/it]

> Languages ➤ Pretina

> Species ➤ Superstite Hominum

> Birth ➤ December 24th [Capricorn] 

> Sexuality ➤ Pansexual 

> Abilities ➤ Is able to manipulate any nervous system within about 120 feet (football field) around him. He does not need to see or hear you, he can simply feel your nervous system and go from there. Though, he does like seeing his opponent so he doesn’t accidentally…kill someone innocent since he can’t tell who someone is based on their nerves ‼️ 

^ With his ability, he doesn’t have enough balance to hold himself up. So to counter this, he has a robotic tail which helps him balance. Along with helping him balance, (don’t ask why or how idfk) he’s able to control it and use it as a weapon (sometimes)

> Relations ➤ Bounty Hunter Association [idk if there's a name for it yet so...]

> Occupation ➤ Bounty Hunter





> Hair ➤ Short white with a blue tint. Small, white triangle shaped eyebrows.

> Skin tone ➤ Very, very pale

> Eyes ➤ Dark green and dark circles. Upturned almond eyes. 

> Body ➤ Very muscular all over and thin waist. 

> Clothing ➤ Black skin tight body suit, blue jacket but it only has one side, shoulder pad, rectangular cloth in front of his crotch and two rectangular cloth behind him, glove on his left hand with sharp metal fingers, no shoes, has a metal tail strapped to his body by 4 belts. 

> Body mods ➤ Wears sister's gold piercing on left ear. Tattoos : Top lip, corner of his eyes down his face, solid neck

> Scars ➤ Variety all over body from fights





> General description ➤ He tends to keep to himself and focus on his personal goals. Rarely cares about other people’s situation unless it includes him, his objective, or if the situation is really bad. (What I mean is that he will help someone but he wouldn’t really…care about it if that makes sense)

> Alignment ➤ Neutral good 

> Good traits ➤ Organized, calm in intense situations, trains his body and stays healthy, doesn’t care about how people perceive them, extremely good at observing and analyzing situations/people, will help someone if they need it

> Bad traits ➤ Fairly stubborn, usually doesn’t care about others if they‘re not apart of his objective, if something doesn’t go is way he will make it so it does (Usually when hunting criminals), very bad at comforting others, bad at showing emotions

> Likes ➤ Cold environments, punishing bad people, having control, simple clothes, sweet things

> Dislikes ➤ Christmas, gifts, sadistic people, extremely cocky people, heavy/layered outfits, sour things

> Habits ➤ Kinda like…rotates his body in circles when standing still (very small circles), leans on things a lot due to his lack of balance (even with his tail on)

> Hobbies ➤ Collecting jewelry 

> Fear(s) ➤ Christmas 

> Talents ➤ Fighting, keeping calm

> Goals ➤ Kill his sister's murderer [UD], punish criminals



            OTHER INFO


> Backstory ➤ Grew up in a small village in some really snowy mountains, pretty far away from the rest of society. So, when Noah's power had developed and made him unable to move, the village freaked out and had no idea what to do. After a year or so, they had finally figured out it was his powers but it was already too late to reverse the changes fully. So, he had to train himself to get his body in good shape at a very young age. Later, one of the tech smart people in the village made a tail for him to help him with his very awkward balance. This all happened in the span of 5 years [He was paralyzed when he was born].

Uhhh a few years later when Noah was around....12...UD cult had raided the village on Christmas. killing strong people and such. UD had personally killed his sister, writing a note on a Christmas note saying 'I hope you grow strong so you and your sister can join each other! - UD ". The note was on top of a gift with his sister's head inside, along with her piercing. On that day, he swore to kill this person named UD and would do anything to do it. His parents watched him become distant, just focusing on training himself. 

> Current Story ➤ Badass bounty hunter who hunts down criminals as well as trying to find UD. He takes as many jobs as he can to gather information, giving him a very infamous reputation to the criminals.

> Voice Head-canon ➤ Legoshi (DUBBED) - BEASTARS

> Theme song ➤ Sprawling Idiot Effigy - NeroBrock 

> Shippable? ➤ MMMM MAYBE...He's not rlly emotional available tbh, mostly focused on finding UD


QUIT? [Y] / N

     LOGGING OUT. . .