🍉 Ramune 🌊



5 months, 25 days ago

Basic Info




honk shoo honk shoo
name Ramune
age 16yrs
gender male
pronouns he/she
species nurse shark
orientation bisexual
Demeanor cool

code jiko


Ramune is a sweet fella, his poofy hair adds to his energetic and social personality! He often wears his amazing super cool pinapple crocs with some sort of Hawaiian shirt, but she swears she has a good fashion sense. When shes at home he ends up playing some sort of video game or reading a book, anything to pass the time. :]

He enjoys sunny days with a chill breeze, she finds it soothing and a good day to garden or hang out with friends!! One of Ramunes' favorite thing to make on hot days is a piña colada gelato, without the alcohol xD

coconut, mangos, sleeping, his besties fr, sometimes school, boys, girls, they/thems, boba, ramune drinks, the color orange, popsicles, minecraft, fruit, the smell of mangos.
getting up early, stalling in his manual, the cold, being tired, bring hungry, sometimes school, coding, surprisingly, fish, chicken, her bookbag, long sleeve shirts, tomatoes, scraping noises, sometimes hair, peach flavored things.

Polite Sassy
Cautious Impulsive
Social Reserved
Intelligence Ignorant
Emotional Rational
Productive Lazy

Ramune is a polite gal when it comes to school and people he doesnt know but he can get awfully sassy around friends he's known for a long time, one of his friends for example; Mango. Mango has delt with Ramune for YEARS and doesn't mind but omg the attitude she has makes Mango want to strangle her half the time.

I named Ramune after the drink because he seems like he suits the name quite well haha, plus he kinda looks like the drink! I adore my bab and I hope to have him forever 🌺

Design Notes
  • the hair is very poofy! It can be styled in anyway but ask first :3
  • his tail has a different shape than most sharks
  • feel free to throw on any outfit on em xD
  • content
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Music Box
my bubby i love ramune sm
woahhh a finished code?? no way 🎊🎊