Reignoir (Wambit Lore)



6 months, 14 days ago


Reignoir  •  (Rain-Nooar)

Nicknames: R, Red, Noir
Age: Early 20’s (physically?)
Species: Seldrean
Height: 5'11"
Gender: Agender
Pronouns: They/them
Sexuality: Omnisexual
Wambit (friend; they both share chaotic traits)
Tarkkus (love interest; something probably happened after a long while of Tarkkus making sure Reignoir doesn’t fuck something up)
Maesxu (friend-ish; Reignoir would probably be way too rebellious for Maesxu to tolerate them)
Affiliations: None, following Wambit/Tarkkus/Maesxu non-canonically

• Exploration
• Doing whatever they want without consequence / free will
• Toying with their ability
• Adrenaline-inducing situations that would normally inflict nervousness and/or fear in people
• Eating

• Being restrained / controlled / monitored
• Very morally-correct people
• Having nothing to do

• Their red jacket is actually a restraining/straight jacket because they were put behind bars — probably not because they necessarily wanted to break the law, but because they don’t care about the law.
• Reignoir has a mask that was also put on them by force when they were in jail to half-blind them so they wouldn’t be careless using their ability when being restrained. They still wear it out of both habit and because they like it better when people can’t see their face.
• Their ability in question is “Void”, allowing them to pull things towards them and do gravitational/magnetic stuff.
• Their main inspirations are Dementia from Villainous and Twizzly Gummy Cookie from Cookie Run: Kingdom.
• I’d like to think that they were bribed out of jail so Reignoir could help them with something — something that Reignoir both appreciated and disliked.
• They get irritated easily but tries not to snap.
• The alien species that they are is called a “Seldrean”, a type of species with demon-like appearances with horns, sharp teeth, soft skin, rounder faces and different types of lined markings in different places of the body (which are often mistaken as scars or stretch marks). This species are relatively good swimmers (due to flexibility and strong legs) and their bodies have a high tolerance to heat.

Important Notes:
• No NSFW again lol
• Reignoir is an OC from tenzalt’s lore with Wambit, Tarkkus and a few others (none of its canon however LOL)